100 IM Kick
100 FREE K w/ board w/ FINS
2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS
Question of the Day: What is the maximum number of lengths you can swim at Laps for Coho?
Correct = 50 CH FINS
Wrong = 50 FLY K w/ FINS
4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE K with board
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + no K + 1 FLY Stroke with a 1/2 kick from “airplane” to 11
No kicking on the streamline until the very end of the arm stroke.
Glide on SL first, then at the surface move the arms in the fly motion.
Okay for the recovery, from hips to airplane to push the swimmer backward.

Add 1/2 kick
Once the arms get to “airplane position the swimmer should initiate a 1/2 kick pressing their butt in the air and their lungs forward until the arms reach position 11
Thumbs aim down and should be only part of the hand touching the water.
Arms do not go UP over the water or over the body. Natural and easy movement around the sides.
Group 2:

3 x SL + 2x (11, Eat, 11, 2 second glide)
Streamline underwater. At surface do position 11, eat, then back to 11 and a short pause before repeating.
This is the breaststroke arm MOTION, not the swim. Does not provide forward movement yet.

Sweep hands in to face, no elbow chicken wings
Get back together into one group
5 x 100:
1= FREE K with FINS
2 = FLY K w/ FINS
3 = BK
4 = FREE w/ FINS
5 = 2 fly + Fly kick the rest of each 25 no fins.
2 x 50 BK K Cool down

Challenge – Hips above the surface
Push off the wall in streamline briefly.
Pike at the belly lifting the hips above the water so that the butt breaths over the waves.
Hands down, head down, and legs down.
Challenge –
Flip 1st, then streamline on back to the flags underwater without breaking the surface

Challenge: Log Push with Partners
Form a group of 3.
1 person lays horizontal across the lane on their back or belly.
Hands and toes should point perpendicular to the lane lines.
2 friends push the legs and shoulder to “push the log” to the flags.
Pushing people cannot go past the “T” mark.