You have an All-Access Membership for Teams. That means you and anyone you share your membership with will have full access to all of Swimming Ideas online courses, tools, and documents.
It is the easiest way to share training, ensure consistency, and provide resources for you and your staff to deliver high quality fun and effective swimming instruction.
Where to find your team:

Click on “Manage Organization or Team” button
Clicking here will take you to your team’s page.
You can add new members, track learning progress, and send emails.

Create a “Team” inside your Organization.
Click on “Manage Organization” to create your first “team.”
Your organization is something like, “Woodvale Park District.”
Your team is something like: “swim instructors.”
Its possible in the future that you’ll be able to create your own courses, and assign them to different aspects of your program to provide training and online courses based on the different teams you have created.

Click, “Add Team.”
Enter the name of your new “team,” within your organization.
Type in, “swim instructors.”
Then, choose a team leader. Typically this is you. Click the box, “Team Leader already exists” and choose yourself.
When adding new leaders, you can select people that are already a member of your organization here.
Leave the additional courses blank. You have access already to all of Swimming Ideas’ online courses; as will every member.

New hire? Add them to your team.
Go to and click on “Manage Team” next to your new team’s name.

Click “Add Team Member>”
This will take you to a screen where you can enter your new hire’s information.
The system will email the new hire their:
- username
- password
- A link to the Swimming Ideas My Account page.
Have your new hire check their email, use the username and password to log in. They should see a list of their courses on that page.

See member progress
When you’re logged in as a team leader or an Organization head (person who created the All Access for Teams subscription) you’ll be able to see every member of your organization’s progress in the online courses. Use this to track progress, and verify completion of their training.
This is on the Management page under “Manage Team.”

Choose the person on the left under “Team Member Name.”
Click the course you want to see progress on under “Course Name.”
Click “Filter.”
Below you’ll see a list of their progress. Green means they’ve completed the course.
You can see a list of their Quiz and Test attempts along with the statistics associated with that test.
If they’ve completed the course you can download their certificate if needed.