Swimming Game – Treasure Dive; variation on diving for toys

Name Treasure Dive Core Skill This game focuses on building confidence and improving underwater swimming skills. Who Suitable for Level 1 and Level 2 swimmers who are comfortable submerging their heads underwater. What Participants will need a few small waterproof toys or objects to serve as “treasures.” These can be placed at the bottom of …

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Making a Splash: How Effective Supervision Makes Summer Swimming Lessons a Success

Summer beckons with its promise of warm days, sunshine, and cool water. For many children, this also means the opportunity to participate in summer swimming lessons. These lessons are invaluable for developing water safety skills and building confidence in the pool. But behind the scenes, ensuring a safe and positive learning environment hinges on one …

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Guppies: Playing with Parents and Toddlers

Welcome to our guide on running a successful Guppies swim class. This post is designed to provide Aquatic Professionals with practical advice on training staff to create an engaging, educational, and fun environment for both toddlers and their parents. We’ll cover the importance of instructor energy, parent engagement, and tips for empowering young instructors to …

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Swim Lessons: On-Boarding, Training, & Longevity Plan

Hire a swim instructor Put up a job application somewhere online. The application should follow your hiring rules with a job description, expected work hours, pay rate, compensation, and typical activities. Schedule an interview with your applicant. I prefer to do things digitally and remotely because it lets me to a lot of meetings without …

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Membership Benefits: Online Courses

Swimming Ideas currently has 4 online courses. 2 of the online courses are intended for teaching and learning new material: Level Structure and Teaching Swimming. The other 2 courses serve different needs. Downloads, Tools & Tutorials is a “holding” course where you can find all your downloadable files like lesson plans, visual skill sheets, workbook …

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Membership Benefits: Lesson Plans; Games & Challenges

Aquatic Professionals know that we don’t all know everything. We reach out for more information, we like to connect with others, and see how other instructors and professionals tackle common problems. My goal with Swimming Ideas and the All Access Memberships is to provide clear and simple tools that make your training, instruction, and swimming …

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Swimming Game – Challenge: Striking Love

Name Striking Love Core Skill Throwing accuracy and swimming skills Who This challenge is suitable for swimmers who can throw objects over a distance and swim different strokes. What This challenge is a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day by throwing “Cupid’s Arrows” into floating hula hoops and swimming to retrieve them. How Difficulties the …

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What makes a lesson plan good?

Swimming lesson plans are essential tools for swimming teachers to deliver fun and effective lessons to their students. A good lesson plan should have the following characteristics: Provide a clear progression of level relatable skills A good lesson plan should have a clear aim and objective that is relevant to the level and ability of …

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IPRA Conference 2024: Aquatic Operations

Three big areas people are interested in: Tracking swim lesson levels, skills, and report cards. You can use SwimLessons.Pro, our online lesson management system when you’re an All Access Member for Teams. This is a constantly evolving system based on a simple site that is custom built for your team. You have full control over …

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Collaborative Leading for Managers

Collaborative Leading: How to Lead a Successful Swim Program with Your Team Collaborative leading is a leadership style that fosters teamwork, trust, and empowerment among co-workers. It is especially useful for managing a swim program, where you have to coordinate with different staff members, instructors, lifeguards, and participants. In this post, we will explore what …

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New Years for a New Program

Why New Year’s is the Perfect Time to Start a New Swimming Lesson Program New Year’s is a time for new beginnings, new resolutions, and new opportunities. If you are an aquatic professional looking for a way to improve your swimming lesson program, this is the perfect time to start with Swimming Ideas. Swimming Ideas …

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The Three Pillars of Effective Teaching for Swimming Instructors

Teaching is a complex and rewarding profession that requires a combination of skills, knowledge and passion. In this blog post, I will share with you the three pillars of effective teaching that I have learned from my experience as a swimming instructor and coach. These pillars are: follow the formula “activity, activity, challenge”, provide a …

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General Lesson Plans: When it’s time to let your instructors experiment.

The Swimming Ideas All Access Memberships provide many tools for your swimming lesson program. One of those tools is the general lesson plan. This guide is a good reference if you are using Swimming Ideas’ levels and lesson plans and will serve as a reference guide if you’re creating your own levels and lesson plans, …

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Training Module: Fixing non-position 11 free arms

Critical Issue with Free Arms One of the most common problems that swimmers face when learning freestyle is not using their free arms correctly. At a recent audit of Level 3 swimmers doing freestyle swimming not a single one was reaching forward in position 11. Instead I saw a disturbing amount of freestyle swimming with …

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Giving Feedback during swimming lessons

This is a summary of the pages found in the Lesson Coordinator Handbook. The handbook is included in the All-Access membership, or available for direct purchase as a PDF or print book. As a swim instructor, one of your most important tasks is to give feedback to your swimmers. Feedback is the information you provide …

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Fighting Burnout

How to Avoid Burnout as an Aquatic Professional After the Summer If you are an aquatic professional, you know how hectic and rewarding the summer season can be. You get to manage a large and diverse staff, oversee the operations of outdoor pools, and create memorable experiences for your guests. You also face many challenges, …

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Swimming Question: How should I prepare for the first day of practice as a new High School Swimming Coach?

I get a lot of questions about swimming from a diverse range of people. Sometimes they’re interesting enough that I can share them with the world. This is one such question. I implore you to look at the list from SwimSwam. USA Swimming is a fantastic resource for coaches of all levels and skill. Dear …

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Using feedback in a swimming lesson effectively

Feedback is an essential component of any learning process, especially in swimming. Feedback can help swimmers improve their skills, correct their mistakes, and increase their confidence. However, not all feedback is equally effective. In this blog post, we will discuss some principles and tips for using feedback in a swimming lesson effectively, based on the …

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Tips for New Hires

If you are a new hire at a swimming pool and you are 15 years old, you might feel nervous, excited, or overwhelmed by your first summer job. You might wonder how to do your best as a swim instructor, how to get along with your coworkers and supervisors, and how to have fun while …

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How to create swimming challenges/Streamline through Hula Hoops; an AI article

**Written by Bing Chat using www.swimminglessonsideas.com as inspiration. Edited and updated by Jeff N.** I’m constantly impressed by the quality of these articles and feel like they’re somewhat cheating, though they summarize and disseminate information from this website so well it seems stupid to waste time typing myself. Does it cheapen the information if it …

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Get ready! Lesson Coordinator Handbook

The companion book for swim lesson managers is well underway! Are you ready to have a training guide for in-person staff on-boarding? Ready to have a resource that goes into detail for each of our Levels? We have the book for you: Lesson Coordinator Handbook: a companion guide for fun and effective instruction. This book …

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Lesson Formula: Activity, Activity, Challenge

Better lessons and easier instruction starts when you can lean into a proven pattern. Your teachers will be more effective, be able to teach complex skills with predictable effectiveness and still provide a fun and exciting lesson for younger swimmers. Why use a formula? When you work with a large staff and have multiple lessons …

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Creating your own swimming lesson levels

Swimming Ideas’ levels are designed to be quick and easy target points for skill assessment. They’re refined and concise to make testing and placement easier.  When I was sixteen, over 25 year ago, teaching my first swimming lessons we followed the American Red Cross level system.  At the end of the week we had to …

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Covid-19 and Swimming

I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are healthy, happy, and safe. All of us are struggling with either stay at home orders or a reduction in hours and livelihood.   Our businesses hinge on having people in the water. If we get more people we’re more successful. Moving forward the suggestion is that large …

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Creativity through Failure.

Yesterday I sat through a webinar about how to leverage your creativity and empower your employees. It was lead by a veteran of the parks and recreation industry. She wasted our time. I know. Harsh. Scandalous.  If you’re going to have your staff sit through an hour long powerpoint presentation then give actionable insight. Provide more …

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Using a TV at swimming

I’ve always felt that one of the biggest impediment to using technology on the pool deck was getting it to work quickly. swimminglessonsideas.com has been an excellent resource and tool I frequent when I’m running swim lessons or training new staff. Recently I purchased a television and mounted it on wheels so that I could …

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Help teach streamline better

When you do streamline like a thousand times, a hundred thousand, then you forget that it can be difficult for beginners to do well. I work with kids that are transitioning from swim lessons into swim team. They don’t know how to push off in streamline. What comes naturally for me, now, is totally foreign …

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Manager Training Tips going into Fall .2019

Summer is about to finish most swim professionals, aquatic professionals, are wrapping up their summer outdoor programs in the United States. That means we are struggling to find staff after our college workers had gone back to school and our high school staff is left covering the same pools with fewer people and an additional …

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Swim Lessons and Hypotonia

Hypotonia is a condition commonly known as “floppy baby.” I found the wikipedia entry to be excellent and drastically expanded my understanding of the condition when working with swimmers. Looking back, I know that this is what one family tried to tell me about that i didn’t realize the full extent of. A reader sent …

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Are you respected or feared?

“Oh my god! Coach Jeff! How are you?” Or the more common smile and hide behind the parent’s leg, but still want to tell me a story in too many random details like children tell stories. That is what I most often hear and see when I run into swimmer families around the community. I …

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Starting a new private swim program

“If you build it, they will come.”  Maybe you’re like me and you remember watching this movie all the time. But was that mantra from the 80’s and 90’s, that iconic saying really true? Can you just “build” something and clients will magically show up? I don’t think so. Swimming Ideas is a business. I …

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Preparing for Fall 2017 Swim Lessons

Most of you are looking at swim lessons starting in the next few weeks. August and September is traditionally when school starts (K-12).  The college kids skate away to their universities, and you’re left with the local population, the local community college, and high school kids to fill your staff holes. Fall is a tough …

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When to take a step back

We all make mistakes. I’ve done this before too, and I know there’ll be equally as avoidable mistakes I’ll make in the future. But hopefully we learn from those errors. I watch swim lessons every day, or I am coaching. It is rare that I’m not around a pool. It is what I do. Today, …

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SIP 058: The One Thing

How to be a better coach or instructor [smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/swimmingideas/SIP_058.mp3″ title=”SIP 058: The One Thing” artist=”Swimming Ideas” ] Episode 057 with Meighan Julbert: “Focus on the 2-3 things totally essential for swimmer’s success.”   Episode 055 with Karis Mount: “My coaches focused on the one thing that would make me improve. We were focused.” Episode …

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Adjusting a game – Bake a Cake

About 40 minutes ago I got out of the water and gave ‘hi-fives’ to the kids from my class, and said, “Well done today, come back next week.” It was not the easiest class. They were all the same “level” in what we call level 2, but they were very new to swimming, and reluctant …

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Swim Lesson Update

We had swim lessons yesterday and I wanted to give you an opportunity to learn from good ideas and some mistakes. In reading this you will learn about how we set up a weekday swim lesson that is open to 5-year-olds and older that can go underwater. The goal of this class is to introduce …

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Are your ARC lessons efficient?

The most popular swim lesson program is the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim. I grew up teaching them, and was even certified as a Water Safety Instructor, ARC’s version for advanced swim instructor training. I remember feeling so official, so empowered and enthusiastic about finally being able to “sign the cards.” And then I filled out …

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Swimming Lesson Guide – Giving feedback

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Report cards, Certificates, Evaluations: The ins, outs, and positive sandwiches of giving praise and criticism Swimming Lessons Ideas was initially designed as a resource for my own program, and as an online repository for swim lesson games and ideas. I am so fortunate to interact with a diverse and resourceful community of people looking …

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Training Module: Line of Sight

Download the PDF guide and handout here: [button link=”https://www.swimminglessonsideas.com/wp-content/uploads/Training-module-Field-of-View-1-1.pdf”]Download PDF[/button]   Training: Line of Sight Key Points: Keep whole class in front of your face Create clear expectations Guard the leapers going past you Set up your training Start in one large group. Handout a copy of this PDF (found at the top of this …

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Training Module: Going Underwater

Download the PDF handout and guide here:[button link=”https://www.swimminglessonsideas.com/wp-content/uploads/Swim-Instructor-In-service-Module-Going-Underwater.pdf”]Training: Going Underwater[/button] Training: Going Underwater Key Points: Offer excessively multiple opportunities to go underwater Instructor must go underwater first and often. No dry heads. Push the next step of the underwater progression, not 2 steps ahead. Incremental Underwater Progression; all 7 steps. Set up your training Start …

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How to teach swimming lessons – Treading water

This brilliant swim lesson hack, tip, and guide comes from swim instructor Teresa from Arizona. She has been teaching swimming for 10 years and has a wonderful swimming lesson tactic for teaching treading water. I found her description to be excellent; brief, concise, and so obviously awesome it needed to be shared. If you’ve taught …

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Four great games to go underwater

  Swimming lessons start with being able to go underwater. If you don’t go underwater, then you cannot proceed with learning how to move well through the water.  Sometimes it can be difficult to train new staff what to do in their level 1 lessons. In level 1 we focus on going underwater independently. Usually …

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Effective Teaching – Series 3 of 3

Surrounded by indifference? I am so thankful for your attention. I know you have a busy life, especially during the summer when swimming seems to be much more in the forefront of our minds. Thank you for both opening this email, and for your interest in www.swimminglessonsideas.com. I want swim lessons in general to be …

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Make an ‘attempt,’ do not “try”

The language we use as swim coaches and swim instructors is important. Even subtle language has a profound impact on our participants. I make an effort with every sentence to speak exactly with instruction as literally as possible. Yoda had it right when he says in Star Wars, “Do, or do not. There is no …

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Swim Lesson Guide – Underwater Progression

I created this short, 10 minute training video to supplement the SLI Swim Instructor Training Workbook. This goes along with the first section, Going Underwater. When you teach swimming, sometimes you need a guide to teach going underwater. This is an introductory explanation of the Underwater Progression we use in the SLI swim lesson world. …

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Swim Lesson Toys and Games to play

The toys to buy for your swimming lesson program:
These are the best swimming lesson toys that you can get for your swim lessons or swim lesson program. If you use American Red Cross, Starfish Aquatics, or Swim America, you’ll benefit from any or all of these swim lesson toys. Every game, song, or activity is possible, or made better by using these toys.

Swim Lesson Templates and Plans: Learn How and When to use them and Create your own

Think of a lesson plan for swimming as the roadmap for your instructors to follow. Lesson plans are the guideposts along the path to a successful swim lesson. They help with the class’s flow and skill transitions. With a well written lesson plan you’ll naturally flow from one swimming skill into the next. You’ll gracefully move from underwater activities to glides to arm strokes

Getting Level One in the water

Getting in the water can often be overlooked by most lesson plans and teaching programs. It is generally the first contact that the teacher has with their potentially hesitant participants. We recommend having an established routine. At our pool we have the students come in and go right to their teacher who is waiting on …

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Swimming well secret; What is the Magic formula?

Spend time in the water.


Woah, I have to stop answering the question before I write anything else. Unfortunately, there is no secret, there is no magic. The “poof” moment when the smoke clears is simply time spent in the water doing purposeful practice. Here is some science proof for you, should you want it: BOOK.

The book basically says that just doing something repeatedly for 10,000 hours doesn’t make you an expert, but rather purposeful deliberate practice, preferably under the tutelage of a master teacher will get you to mastery.


Science is awesome, but why do I care and how does it relate to swim lessons?

Take your children to swim lessons. Drop them off, and let them spent 30 minutes of corrective, deliberate instruction with a “professional.” Now, you will likely have a high school kid teaching your child, but the skills are very basic, and require a modicum of understanding to teach. If you are going to send your child to a swim team where they are exercising and advancing to the more competitive areas of the sport, you want to send your swimmer to a professional coach, preferably one with ASCA certification.

When your child spends time in a swim lesson they are contributing to the 10,000 hours of practice, but are also getting constant and repeated feedback specifically targeting their deficient points. If you read my previous article about the swim instructor’s curse, then you’ll know you’re paying some novice to teach you child something you could easily do.

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The Swim Instructor’s Curse

You will not be able to teach your own children how to swim easily.


I don’t have children. What I’m about to say is from my experience as a swim teacher and swim coach over the last 15 years. I have seen parents that swim take their kids to swimming lessons and always thought, “Why don’t they just teach them their selves?” Most times i was thinking, why is this swimming professional trusting my band of high school kids more concerned about themselves to teach their children how to swim?!


What could they be thinking?!They are thinking “long game”

Swimming professionals understand that progress does not happen over night. Learning swimming takes time and effort, and most importantly, time in the water. Most swim lesson parents that also teach, spend their time playing in the water with their children, and let the high school kids do the receptive classical conditioning for their children. These parents are looking down the road 3 years from now, 10 years from now and hoping that their children are excited about swimming, love being in the water, and associate positively with pools and water. When parents try to teach a repetitive skill, the child may resent the parent for forcing them to do something they don’t want to do at the time. Parents want their children to be happy and have fun with them in the water because it makes for happier children and memories. Parents want to avoid fighting with their child in a public place, and that confrontation my create bad associations with the water and pool. By forcing skill work on a child as a parent, your love of the sport may backfire and make the child rebel against what you are pushing.

Swim professionals bypass that backfire possibility by having a teenager teach their kids and take the brunt of the angst or boring repetition.

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What to do if a child is crying

At swim lessons and a child starts crying. What do you do? As a parent there is a long list of things you should do to help your crying child and the swim program that you’re at. We are going to first go through what a parent should do to keep their child from crying …

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How to find Swim Lessons in your area

Google is your friend. That is the real key to the whole process, though Bing or any other search engine will do. Before typing in your location and “swim lessons” I recommend you go to your local park district first.  Find your local park district here Park districts often have quality swimming pools of varying …

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