Level 4 Day 3

1 x 100 IM Kick In order, a 25 of each stroke: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, FreestyleAll done in soldier position. 2 x 50 Instructor’s choice of swim, kick, or drill. Use fins, or not. Can be a combination or all the same stroke. Question of the Day: What does “bilateral breathing” mean? Correct: 25 Free …

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Level 1 Day 1

Goals: Learn student names Introduce self (instructor) Give clear expectations: “We’re doing supported front glides. This is what it looks like.” Earn trust: demo activities first and offer modified alternatives if you sense fear. Focus on FUN and routines. Introduce framework: activity, activity, challenge. Smile, laugh, play! Challenge – Lift one foot above water and …

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Parent Tot

Round 1: -Sit child on the side. -Splash feet or play with toys. Use the floating smiley faces. -Press smile underwater with 1 foot, then the other. -Press smile under with both feet.– Sing Ring around the Rosey, and at the end say “…all jump in!” -Jump in; see picture: Get together in the middle: …

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Parent Tot 1/22/2022

Things to remember: -Go slow. Take your time with everything.-Play! The more you play, use toys, and explore the water the more fun your swimmer will have. -Relax. If you’re anxious or struggling, stop. Move on to an activity you’re familiar with. Your anxiety will pass to your swimmer.– Repeat everything over and over and …

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Parent and Tot 1/15/2022

Round 1: -Sit child on the side. -Splash feet or play with toys. Use the floating smiley faces. -Press smile underwater with 1 foot, then the other. -Press smile under with both feet.– Sing Ring around the Rosey, and at the end say “…all jump in!” -Jump in; see picture: Get together in the middle: …

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Minnows 12/30/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ FINS1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11, w/ FINS, together. review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What are the three things to SL and Position 11?Correct: Do your favorite ChallengeWrong: 50 Position 11 Challenge #1: …

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Minnows 12/29/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE1 x 50: BK K w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS, togetherreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What are two things you can do to make a flip easier?Correct: Stand at the T mark. Jump towards the wall and …

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Minnows 12/28/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ FINS1 x 50: BK Kick w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS, togetherreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What group comes after “Minnows” on COHO?Correct: Swim to the flags with only a shark fin showing above water. …

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Minnows 12/27/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK Kick w/ FINS1 x 50: BK w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:When swimming backstroke at a meet, what happens if you roll on your stomach, even for a second?Correct: Roll like a log …

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Minnows 12/21/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE kick 1 x 50: BK 2 x 25: Position 11, Togetherreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:When swimming FREE you should breath to both sides. You should breath on every _______ stroke.Correct: Do 3 front flips and 3 back flipsWrong: …

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Minnows 12/20/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ FINS1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS, together review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Kicking is important to swimming. What is the name of the kick you do for FREE and Backstroke?Correct: Do …

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Minnows 12/16/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS, together.review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What parts of your head should remain in the water when you take a breath during FREE?Correct: Walk from the wall …

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Minnows 12/14/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK Kick w/ FINS no board1 x 50: FREE kick w/ FINS w/ board2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS, together.review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How many feet should you push off the wall with to do a FREE streamline?Correct: …

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Minnows 12/13/2021

Start of new season 1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE kick w/ FINS1 x 50: FREE Drill: Fists w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11; together, w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How many yards long is this pool? How many do we say it is?Correct: …

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Parent Tot – 12/11/2021

Round 1: -Sit child on the side. -Splash feet or play with toys. Use the floating smiley faces. – Use buckets to pour water over body. Can sing “Itsey Bitsey Spider”– Sing Ring around the Rosey, and at the end say “…all jump in!” -Jump in; see picture: Get together in the middle: sing this …

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Minnows 12/9/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FLY Kick1 x 50: FLY Kick w/ FINS on BK2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS (together)review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Is it okay to roll your body to the side when breathing during FREE?Correct: 3 x roll like a …

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Minnows 12/8/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Fists Drill: FREE w/ FINS1 x 50: BK w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 (together) w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Show a coach how you push the water during Backstroke.Correct: Swim to 1/2 way BK, pulling on the lane …

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Minnows 12/7/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS1 x 50: Bk Kick w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 (together) w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:When doing a flip turn, what tells you you’re close to the wall?Correct: Jump off the T mark and get …

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Minnows 12/6/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK w/ FINS 1 x 50: BK K w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS (together)review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What was the name of last weekend’s swim meet?Correct: Do an extreme swim to the flags.Wrong: 50 FREE 2 …

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Parent Tot 12/4/2021

Round 1: -Sit child on the side. -Splash feet or play with toys. Use the floating smiley faces. -Press smile underwater with 1 foot, then the other. -Press smile under with both feet.– Sing Ring around the Rosey, and at the end say “…all jump in!” -Jump in; see picture: Get together in the middle: …

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Minnows 12/2/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: 3 kick pause, BK Drill1 x 50: BK K w/ FINS1 x 100: FREE Kick w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS (together)review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What part of your hand enters the water first during backstroke?Correct: Float …

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Minnows 12/1/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Hip Slap Drill FREE1 x 100: FREE Kick w/ FINS 2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS (together)review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:When you do a flip turn for FREE do you streamline after the flip on your side, back, …

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Minnows 11/30/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Both arms at same time (double arm) BK DRILL1 x 50: Finger Tip Drag Drill (FR) w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What stroke was invented first? BR or FLY?Correct: Do a 25 BR …

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Minnows 11/29/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: CH1 x 50: Kick on your side, in position 1 w/ FINS2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How much turkey did you eat?Correct: 50 BK K w/ FINS with a huge turkey bellyWrong: 100 FREE …

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Minnows 11/23/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Finger Tip Drag Drill FREE1 x 50: Fists Drill: FR or BK 2 x 25: Position 11 ; do it together. review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What does “bilateral breathing” mean?Correct: Do a 50 FREE w/ FINS breathing to both …

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Minnows 11/22/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: HLBw/R on BK w/ FINS1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ board w/ FINS2 x 25: Position 11 ; togetherreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How many lengths did you swim at Laps for COHO?Correct: Do that many mini jumpsWrong: Do a …

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Parent Tot – 11/20/2021

Round 1: -Sit child on the side. -Splash feet or play with toys. Use the floating smiley faces. -Press smile underwater with 1 foot, then the other. -Press smile under with both feet.– Sing Ring around the Rosey, and at the end say “…all jump in!” -Jump in; see picture: Get together in the middle: …

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Minnows 11/15/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Back Drill: Fists1 x 50: FREE2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS; do together. review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:At a swim meet, what does the LOOONG whistle before your race mean?Correct: Sprint, swim as fast as possible to the …

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Parent Tot 11/13/2021

Round 1: Sit on the side. Slide in, or let child lay on the yellow mat. Parent gets in, then child. – Motorboat song: “Motorboat, Motorboat…: …go so slow / …go so fast/ …step on the gas!”– Sing Itsy Bitsy Spider and pour water on the child with a bucket. Start pouring water on shoulders, …

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Minnows 11/10/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Drill: Fists1 x 50: Backstroke2 x 25 Position 11; together. review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What habit does Coach Jeff want you to learn, the most?Correct: Do 1 Streamline that turns into a flipWrong: 3 x SL 1 x …

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Minnows 11/9/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Drill: Fists1 x 50: BK; touch wall on your back.2 x 25 Position 11: Do this together.review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How many more strokes do you take at the flags when swimming BACK?Correct: Do 3 x Front flip …

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Parent Tot 11/6/2021

Round 1: -Sit on side. Splash and Kick-Motorboat Song-Push float toy underwater with feet or hands. -Humpty Dumpty Round 2: Front Floats and climbing out of the water. Throw a toy and get it. Round 3: Throw a toy and Get it. Motorboat to the toy. Go FAST and pull in an “S” shape. Back …

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Minnows 11/4/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Drill: Fingertip Drag1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Drills are doing something different or wrong to make a stroke better. Name a drill that isn’t “Fingertip Drag”Correct: Do that drill to 1/2 way and backWrong: …

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Minnows 11/3/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Drill: Fingertip Drag 1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What is a “drill” in swimming?Correct: Pick something specific to improve and do it: 50 FREEWrong: 100 FREE kick w/ fins w/ board 2 x {5 …

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Minnows 11/2/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: CHOICE (fly, bk, br, free) 1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:During FREE and BK you rotate along your “long axis.” What does that mean?Correct: Do a 50 HLBw/R on BK w/ FINSWrong: Do a 100 …

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Minnows 11/1/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: FREE Kick w/ Board 1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How much candy did you get?Correct: Celebrate like you’re throwing your candy in the airWrong: Pout in the corner for at least 2 minutes. 2 …

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Parent Tot 10/30/2021

Halloween! Halloween Round 1:– Sit on side. Splash and Kick. – Sitting on side, push the smile face floats underwater with hands and feet.– Throw a toy, jump in, front float to the toy, back float back to the wall. – Repeat. SONG: To scare some folks on Halloween,I’ll tell you what I’ll do.I’ll hide …

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Minnows 10/28/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Vampire Bat Attack!1 x 50 Zombie Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:If a Vampire Bat bites you, when do you become a vampire?Correct: Outrun the vampiric strain with a vigorous 50 FREE KICK w/ FINS w/ BoardWrong: Collapse …

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Minnows 10/27/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: FREE1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What is better, as a beginner, to focus on: speed or skill?Correct: Do a SL + 3 Super Good FREE strokes.Wrong: Do a 50 SPRINT FREE Kick w/ FINS w/ …

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Minnows 10/26/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: FREE Kick w/ board 1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What part of the body exists the water first when swimming Backstroke? during each strokeCorrect: Do 3 handstands for 3 seconds eachWrong: Do a 50 BK …

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Minnows 10/25/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100 FREE Kick 1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Should you stop kicking during freestyle to breathe? Correct: Do 20 flutter kicks without moving in the shallow. Wrong: Do a 50 FREE where you never …

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Minnows 10/21/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: FREE Kick w/ FINS w/ Board1 x 50 Position 11review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:At a swim meet what do the 5 short whistles mean?Correct: Do 3 handstands that turn into front flips.Wrong: Do a 50 FREE 2 x {r1:5 …

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Parent Tot 10/23/2021

Round 1: -Sit child on the side. Splash and Kick feet; Motorboat song.-Throw a toy from the side. Jump in together after your personal cueing. — Front float to get toy. — Back float back with the toy. – Repeat Song 1: Round 2:– Blast off the wall. Hold in back float, put feet on …

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Minnows 10/20/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Wearing FINS helps your kick and makes you go faster. How does it help you breath to the side?Correct: 50 FREE w/ FINSWrong: 100 FREE K w/ fins w/ board …

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Minnows 10/19/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: HLBw/R on BK1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:When swimming FREE show me how much your hips and shoulders should tilt with each stroke.Correct: 50 FREE w/ FINSWrong: 50 FREE Kick w/ board 2 x …

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Minnows 10/18/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK Kick 1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What can you swim in a 50 FREESTYLE at a swim meet?Correct: Do a 50 “FREESTYLE”Wrong: Do a 50 back crawl 2 x {5 x SL + …

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Minnows 10/14/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: HLBw/R w/ FINS on BK1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What swim skill is the BEST for a lazy swimmer?Correct: Do 2 x SL with no kickWrong: Do a 50 FREE w/ FINS w/ 2 …

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Minnows 10/13/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FLY Kick w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINSreview all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What does “undulate” mean? Say or show.Correct: Do a 50 FLY K w/ FINSWrong: Do a 100 FLY K w/ FINS 2 x {10 x SL …

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Minnows 10/11/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: HLBw/R 1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Is swimming like dancing?Correct: Do a 10 second swim dance.Wrong: Do 50 jumps in one place. 2 x {10 x SL + 5 Kicks in Position 11 + 1 …

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Minnows 10/7/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK Kick in soldier1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Show me how you would begin (before you push off) a backstroke streamline.Correct: Push off the wall and do a back flip.Wrong: Do 3 x BK SL’s …

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Minnows 10/6/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Super Slow BK1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How many more strokes do you take during BK after the second set of flags?Correct: Do 3 handstands that turn into front flips.Wrong: Do 3 x SL on …

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Minnows 10/5/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE as slow as possible, still moving, still kicking.1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What part(s) of your foot pushes the water during flutter kick?Correct: Do a 50 FLY K w/ FINSWrong: DO a 50 FREE …

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Minnows 10/4/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ FINS w/ Board1 x 50 Position 11 review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What should STAY in the water when you take a breath on FREE?Correct: Do 10 spins above the water without touching the bottom.Wrong: Turn your …

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Parent Tot 10/2/2021

Parent Tot – Safe Entry Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Child seated on the wall. Parent in the water. Sing while touching your head and shoulders while you match lyrics. Touch child’s “head,” and “shoulders” with hands or splashes in tune to the lyrics.

Minnows 9/29/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS & breathing every 3 strokes (both sides)1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:A “6 beat” kick is where you do 6 FREE kicks every “_______.”Correct: Do a 50 FREE K w/ …

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Minnows 9/28/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK Kick1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:During FREE, your hand exits the water next to what body part?Correct: ANYTHING to 1/2 wayWrong: 50 FREE 2 x {5 x 3 FREE + Front Flip 6 x …

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Minnows 9/27/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What position should your arm be in when it enters the water during FREE?Correct: FLY Kick w/ head above water to 1/2 wayWrong: 50 BK kick …

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Minnows 9/23/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ Board w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:If you breathe every three strokes, is it “bilateral?”Correct: Do 3 Dolphin flipsWrong: 50 BK w/ FINS 2 x {6 x 25 on …

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Minnows 9/21/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:How do you hold the board for FLY kick? And for FREE kick?Correct: 50 BK or FREE or FLY K w/ finsWrong: BK K w/ FINS …

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Minnows 9/20/21

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: FREE Kick w/ FINS and Board1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Show me the three ways to hold a kickboard. Correct: Do a 50 CHOICE kick w/ FINSWrong: Do a 50 FREE Kick w/ FINS 3 …

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4 x SL on the surface FREE arms review 6 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath to the side 4 x 25 FREE Kick w/ FINS 4 x SL on BK

Minnows 9/14/2021

Need fins today. 1 x 100 IM KickFly, Back, Breast, Free; all kicking. No arms 2 x 25 Position 11Review 3 things to SLReview 3 things to Position11 Question of the Day:What is the name of the freestyle and backstroke kick? Correct: Do 20 jumps in one place, always touching the bottom.Wrong: Do 100 flutter …

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Minnows 9/13/2021

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick1 length of each stroke in order: Fly, Back, Breast, FreeAll in soldier; NO ARMS 2 x 25 Position 11: What are the 3 things to SL?What are the 3 things to Position 11? Question of the Day:What part of your arm should be the highest above the water when …

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Minnows 9/9/2021

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick: one length of each strokeFly, Back, Breast, Free: all kicking in soldier position. 2 x 25 Position 11: Review 3 things to StreamlineReview 3 things to Position 11 Question of the Day: You should do a streamline every single time you push off the wall. True or FalseCorrect: Put …

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Minnows 9/8/2021

Warmup:1 x 100 IM Kick 1 length of each stroke, Butterfly Kick, Backstroke Kick, Breaststroke Kick, Freestyle Kick 2 x 25 Position 11: Review 3 things to Streamline, and 3 things to Position 11 before we start Question of the Day: This pool is 20 yards. True or FalseCorrect: 2 handstands that turn into a …

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Minnows 8/2/2021

Deerspring Pool: 50 Meters Review what 50 meters means and how we say it. 100 IM Kick: switch at 1/2 way.1 x 50 Position 111 x 50 FREE Question of the Day:This pool is 50 meters long. How long are Olympic Pools?Correct: Jump off the blocks 2 times. Wrong: Swim to the lifeguard chair and …

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Minnows 7/29/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: Kicking on your side 1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. With FINS Question of the Day:What MUST touch the wall at the end of a 50 FREE race? Correct: Push off the wall with your hands and do a …

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Minnows 7/28/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. W/ FINS Question of the Day:Good swimming has three things. Choose the wrong answer.Posture, Line, Balance, Variation. Correct: show good swimming to 1/2 way and backWrong: Do a 50 FREE Kick …

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Minnows 7/27/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK; no board1 x 50: FLY Kick w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11; with FINS Question of the Day:When you’re doing a streamline, how far should you get before you get to the surface?Correct: Do 2 wrong streamlines.Wrong: Do 3 x streamline on the surface 3 x {1 x 100: BK …

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1 x 50 Freestyle kick with FINS and a Board 3 x Streamline to the flags. 1) Lock your thumb2) Squeeze your ears3) Look down. Challenge #1:Push off the wall in AIRPLANE on surface with no kicking and get to the flags.Do it again, underwater 3 x Streamline to the flags then 3 free strokes …

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Sharks Week 1 #3

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 BK Kick w/ FINS1 x 100 FREE Kick w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11; no fins; tell coach all 3 things to SL and 11 Question of the Day:How many lengths do you do in a 50 at Deerspring?Correct: 1 super slow, lazy flip as slow as you …

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Evaluations for swimmers in Lesson Management

Skill assessment is crucial to a robust swimming program. You need to be tracking skill progress and using metrics you’re comfortable with to guide your swimmer through your swimming progression. When you create your own skills and levels with our online Lesson Management database you can easily update your swimmer’s progress through evaluations. Evaluate swimmers …

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Sharks Week 1: #2

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: BK w/ FINS2 x 50: FREE w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going w/ FINS Question of the Day:What rotates along your spine while you’re swimming freestyle?Correct: Kick in SL to 1/2 way spinning the whole time w/ FINSWrong: …

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Sharks Week 1; #1

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 100: FREE w/ FINS1 x 50: BK1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:When doing a flip turn, where should your hands be when your feet touch the wall?Correct: Do 3x SL with any kickWrong: 50 FREE 3 …

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Minnows Week 3; #3

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: CHOICE1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:What stroke is (11, Eat, 11) used in?Correct: Do 10 BR kicks underwater; look at your feet.Wrong: Do a 25 BR Kick on your back, then a 25 FREE 3 …

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Minnows Week 3; #2

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:Should the knees rise above the water when you’re doing Breaststroke kicks on your back?Correct: Wrong: 3 x {2 x 50: BK; #1 with FINS, #2 w/o FINS3 x SL …

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Minnows Week 3; #1

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 FREE w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS; tell coach 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day: During Freestyle, what part of your arm should be highest as you reach over the water back into position 11?Correct: Do a 10 yard “chicken …

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Minnows Week 2; #3

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 BK K1 x 50 Position 11; tell coach all 3 things to SL and 11 before starting. Question of the Day:You do a flip turn on which two strokes?Correct: Do 3 handstands that turn into front flips. Wrong: Swim to 1/2 way and back. Do a flip at …

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Minnows Week 2, #2

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 FREE w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11; tell coach 3 things to SL and 11 before starting; with FINS Question of the Day: Fins help you go faster. What part of the swim do they help you learn?Correct: Do 50 Flutter kicks between wall and flags; don’t have …

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Minnows Week 2 #1

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 50 FLY Kick1 x 50 Position 11: tell coach all 3 things to SL and 11 before you begin Question of the Day: When you’re doing front flips, what skill are you working on?Correct: Do 3 flips of any typeWrong: Do 2 handstands and 2 front flips, then 30 …

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Minnows Week 1, #2

1 x 100 IM KICK1 x 50: BK Kick in soldier1 x 50 Position 11; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going. Question of the Day:The pinky finger enters the water first on which stroke? Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, or Freestyle?Correct: 50 CHWrong: 50 BK 3 x {1 x 100 FREE w/ FINS3 …

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Minnows Week 1, #3

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS1 x 50 Position 11 with FINS; review all 3 things for SL and 11 before starting. Question of the Day:What is the official name of a freestyle and backstroke kick?Correct: 50 Kick with FINSWrong: 50 FLY Kick no fins 3 x {1 x 100 FREE …

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Minnows Week 1, #1

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 50 BK1 x 50 Position 11: review 3 things for 11 and SL before starting Question of the Day:What is the fastest position in the water?Correct: Do 3 x SL, top, bottom, or underwater, and on any side of body.Wrong: 50 FREE 3 x {1 x 50: Position 11 …

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Min / Sharks #3

1 x 100 IM Kick2 x 50: Kick on your side; always looking at Lifeguards1 x 50 Position 11; tell coach all 3 things to SL and 11 before you go. Question of the Day:What is best for good swimming?a) strong arms. b) straight, long body. c) crazy fast kickingCorrect: 50 CHWrong: 50 BK Kick …

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Min / Sharks #2

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 FREE build; swim each 25 a little bit faster.1 x 50 Position 11; tell coach all 3 things to SL and 11 before you go. Question of the Day:When you breathe during freestyle, where should your arm be? The one that you’re not breathing towards.Correct: 50 CHWrong: 50 …

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Min / Sharks President’s Week #3

1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 IM1 x 50 Position 11: tell coach 3 things for SL and 11 before you go. Question of the Day: What kick should you do during your streamline on FLY, BK, and FREE?Correct: Do around the world FLY K to the flagsWrong: Do a 50 Fly Kick 3 …

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Community Questions: 1/26/2021

The place where you get to benefit from the community questions we get from our subscribers, clients, and visitors. We get emails and phone calls often asking about different aspects of teaching swimming. One of my favorite things in life is to give feedback and hear the story of how it went. Check out this …

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Parent Tot #2

Throw a Toy and Get it Have the child or a parent throw a toy into the water. The parent does their cueing, “1, 2, 3, Go!” and then pulls the child into their arms in the water, and into a front float. Do a front float to the toy and get it Return to …

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Private Lessons 12/9/2020

1 x 100 IM Kick3 x 50 (Min/Shark) 100 (White+) CHOICE, 1 must be Kick1 x 50 Postion 11; recite 3 things for SL and 11. Question of the Day:This is a 20 yard pool. How many lengths do you need to do for an exact 200?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K on …

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Private lesson challenges

Challenge: Underwater place the crown of your head against the middle of the + mark. While staying underwater, and keeping head pressed to the wall, do 3 Breaststroke Kicks Challenge:Float on back in SL. Press legs and feet together too. Only wiggling body like a worm switch orientation. Rotate so feet go where your head …

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Parent Tot 11/14/2020

Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Child seated on the wall. Parent in the water. Sing while touching your head and shoulders while you match lyrics. Touch child’s “head,” and “shoulders” with hands or splashes in tune to the lyrics. Parent Tot – Song – If you’re happy and you know it Can do this …

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Halloween Eve!

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 50 Graveyard scramble. Weave between the headstones.1 x 50 Frankenstein Monster Raise: groan and float, get struck by lightning and zoom into life for 5 strokes.1 x 50 Defend against the Vampire Bats!1 x 50 Position 11 Zombie! tell coach jeff 3 for SL and 11 first. 3 …

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Parent Tot 10/24/2020

Motorboat Song The child sits on the sides with feet in the water. The parent stands in front of them. Holding their feet. Move feet like kicking while singing the song: “Motorboat, motorboat, go so slow,Motorboat, motorboat, go so fast,Motorboat, motorboat, step on the gas!!!!” At each line, move the feet kicking faster. Humpty Dumpty …

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Parent and Infant 10/17/2020

Parent Tot – Seated Entry How to hold video: Focus on the “saddle” and keeping three points of contact on the ladder when you enter slowly. Watch at about the third or fourth pass where the parent does NOT submerge their child. Begin there. Start with catching and passing. Game – Buckethead: Get a bucket. …

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Lesson 1 10/9/2020

Swimming In the Lane: 6 x Walk around the benches. In a square motion. Challenge:Put one foot above the water so that all 5 toes are in the air. Can only use one hand to help stand. Move Benches a little apart. Do a front glide to go across. At the Corners of the bench, …

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Minnows & Sharks

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick (1 length of Fly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Freestyle)1 x 100 BK Kick1 x 100 BK1 x 50 Position 11: Tell Coach Jeff all 3 things to SL and Position 11 before you go. Question of the Day: Backstroke improves your body position for the other strokes. Which strokes? Correct: …

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Practice 8/10/2020

Return to swimming! 1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 CH1 x 100 A different CH1 x 100 Another different different CH1 x 100 Anything Question of the Day: What sport has the least amount of long term “impact” on your body? Like things hitting other things inside your body. Correct: 50 CH anythingWrong: 50 …

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Practice 7/22/2020

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 CH1 x 100 BKReview Streamline and Position 11 together because…. people STILL STILL! don’t do it every time correctly. A correct Streamline requires all three components: 1) Locked thumb. 2) Squeezed elbows behind the head, or over the ears. 3) Face aiming down.1 x 50 Position 11. …

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Practice 7/17/2020

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 BR1 x 100 FLY KickReview Streamline and Position 11 together.1 x 50 Position 11 Question of the Day:If streamline should be a habit by the time you leave Sharks, what is one reason to NOT do one during practice? Correct: Handstand Rewind.Wrong: 1 x 1/2 FREE + …

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SIP 084: Why “Challenges” have replaced games.

Intro: What are Challenges? Why have they replaced games? Quicker Individual based apply to broad ability levels tailored for groups sideways learning they are games celebrated success opportunities striving to “challenge” self improves overall swimming Live use Where you can find them

Practice 7/10/2020 White & Blue

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM Kick1 x 100 DRILL. Pick one: Fists, 1 arm only, 2K + 1 Pull, HLBw/R1 x 100 BK Kick1 x 50 Position 11 Question of the Day: What position should you get into after every Breaststroke Kick, and at the finish of every fly stroke? Correct: 50 FLY or BRWrong: …

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Practice 7/7/2020

Warmup: 1 x 100 IM KICK (25 FLY K, 25 BK K, 25 BR K, 25 FR K)1 x 50 BackReview Position 11: Together:2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day:Name two countries that have won olympic medals in swimming. Correct: 20 Flutter kicks but don’t move anywhere.Wrong: 50 flutter kicks but don’t move …

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Swim team during Covid-19; indoor plan

Our USA Swimming team is starting swimming practices again starting this week, June 18th. We’ve been paying attention to the guidelines put forth by our state, Illinois, and have worked with our risk management agency to implement safe protocols for users and staff. My wife is immune compromised and I’ve been taking the social isolation …

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Sharks 3/11/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K 2 x 25 Position 1, with side breaths away from arm. Question of the Day: What is the first day of spring?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with 4 fly kicks in SL 16 x 50 on 1:45: CHOICE w/ or …

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Minnows 3/11/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Name a swimming skill.Correct = Show us that skill, if you can. and do 2 jumps of celebration.Wrong = Do 5 situps and 5 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears …

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Minnows 3/10/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Name one thing you can do to earn points for Coho.Correct = Do that many jumps per point for the thing you said.Wrong = Do 10 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze …

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Sharks 3/10/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Position 11 with FINS 2 x 25 Position 1, with side breaths w/ FINS Question of the Day: Name one thing that you earn points from.Correct = 50 CH w/ FINSWrong = 50 FREE 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with FINS 16 x 50 on 1:45 with or without …

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Sharks 3/9/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Position 11 w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 1, side breath away from arm, w/ FINS Question of the Day: What date is the Coho Banquet?Correct = 50 CH w/ FINSWrong = 50: 5 FREE + 5 FLY 4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY w/ FINS 8 x 100: CHOICE …

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Minnows 3/9/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: When is the last day of Coho Practices for Winter?Correct = Celebrate spring break for 20 seconds.Wrong = Lament the end of swimming season with 10 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze …

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Sharks 3/5/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What do we focus more on in Sharks: Endurance or Technique?Correct = 50 BRWrong = 50 FREE 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with SL on your back doing fly kicks. 4 x {4 x 502 x SL} 1)50 = FREE …

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Minnows 3/5/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What does “endurance” mean?Correct = Run from black to black 2 xWrong = Run from black to black 4 x Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down …

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Sharks 3/4/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 HLBw/R on BK 2 x 25 Position 1, with side breaths. NO HIP ROTATING at all (Challenge) Question of the Day: What should your at practice breathing pattern be for freestyle?Correct = 50 FREEWrong = 50 FLY K on back. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE w/ 5 fly kicks …

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Minnows 3/4/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: During breaststroke do you breathe on every stroke?Correct = In Tree Pose remain in streamline for 10 breaths.Wrong = Stay in side plank for 10 breaths on each arm. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your …

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Sharks 3/3/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Side Kicking with FINS. Smell your stinky armpit and look at the ceiling when you breathe. 2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS Question of the Day: Can you streamline TOO far in a race? at practice? (Yes/No x 2).Correct = 50 Streamline to 1/2 way then FREEWrong = 50 …

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Minnows 3/3/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Can you do a streamline for too long?Correct = Do 3 streamline jumps from a squatWrong = Do 3 pushups, 3 situps, and 5 streamline jumps from a squat. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your …

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Sharks 3/2/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Position 11 w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 1, roll to the side and get vertical to breathe. Question of the Day: What was the name of the qualifying meet last weekend?Correct = 50 of your best strokeWrong = 50 of your most HATED stroke. 4 x 25 on 1:00 …

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Minnows 3/2/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Correct = Wrong = Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:1) Keep your arms straight.2) …

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Sharks 2/27/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM Swim 2 x 25 Position 1, side breathing away from that 1 arm. Question of the Day: Should you float up to the surface in streamline or curve to aim up at the surface? Correct = 50 FREEWrong = 50 FLY K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE KICK …

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Minnows 2/27/2020

Dryland Activities: Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:1) Keep your arms straight.2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).3) …

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Sharks 2/26/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY KICK on your side. FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Which direction do you press against the water in butterfly kick?Correct = 50 FLY K w/ FINSWrong = 50 FLY K on back no fins. 4 x 25 on 1:00 2 FLY + FREE rest …

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Minnows 2/26/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Which direction (s) do you “kick” during the fly kick?Correct = Flop like a fish out of water for 5 seconds.Wrong = Do 3 fish flops and 3 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your …

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Sharks 2/25/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE 2 x 25 Position 1, with side breaths away from arm. Question of the Day: Which stroke has a “whip kick?”Correct = 50 BR Kick with board.Wrong = 50 Fly kick on your side 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: …

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Minnows 2/25/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Which kick is also called the “Whip Kick?”Correct = Do a dance from black line to line including 3 spins.Wrong = Dance in place for 20 seconds and do 3 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) …

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Minnows 2/24/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What strokes have a flip turn?Correct = Do three rolls on teh side.Wrong = Laugh 10 times as loud as you can and do 10 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your …

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Sharks 2/20/2020

Question of the day: How many kicks should you do during each arm stroke of butterfly? Correct = Show Coach Rachel or Jeff your “I’m awesome” pose. Hold for 20 seconds.Wrong = Do 20 situps. 20 x 25’s on 1:00 1-5= 2 FLY + FLY K the rest of the 25 w/ FINS6-10= BK FINS11-15= …

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Minnows 2/20/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Generally how many kicks per arm stroke of fly should you do?Correct = Run from black line to black line 3 times flapping arms like a bird.Wrong = Do a 30 second plank and a 30 second down dog. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. …

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Sharks 2/19/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE Kick no board *turn head to the side to breathe!* 2 x 25 Position 1 with side breaths away from the arm in 1. Question of the Day: What does “I.M.” stand for?Correct = 50 Do your individual favorite strokes.Wrong = 50 Do 1 stroke of each stroke over …

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Minnows 2/19/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What does “I.M.” stand for?Correct = Pose with an individual flair while the wrong people do their stuff.Wrong = Do 1 push up. Do 1 plank for 10 seconds. Do 1 situp. Do 1 squat and stand. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 …

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Sharks 2/18/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM 2 x 25 Position 1 with side breath away from arm. Question of the Day: Name one thing that is at the Coho Banquet. Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 flip 1st and sl on back, then BK Split up into two …

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Minnows 2/18/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Name one thing that is at the Coho Banquet.Correct = Do a squat then jump in celebration 3 times. Wrong = Do 5 situps and 3 squat and jump celebrations. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock …

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Sharks 2/17/2020

Brought to you by Hannah Kaiser. Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BR 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What month does the spring season beginCorrect = 50 Hannah’s favorite strokeWrong = 50 Hannah’s least favorite stroke 4 x 25 on 1:00 Split up into two groups: Group 1: 3 x SL + …

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Minnows 2/17/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What month does the next, spring season begin?Correct = Do a May Day dance around a pole or tall person.Wrong = Do situps until everyone is done dancing (no more than 15 seconds). Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before …

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Sharks 2/13/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM K no board (everything in soldier) 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Should you hang on the bars / use them during a backstroke start at a meet?Correct = 50 BKWrong = 50 BK Kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE 4 x 100: IM swim. …

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Minnows 2/13/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Are you supposed to use the bars when doing a backstroke start at a meet?Correct = Do 3 rolling situpsWrong = Do 3 situps and 3 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze …

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Sharks 2/12/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is the minimum depth you can learn diving? (how deep?)Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 Streamline Kick on back 4 x 25 on 1:00 Free w/ fly kick on streamlines 10 x 50 on 1:30 BACK Be confident. Be …

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Minnows 2/12/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How deep does the water have to be to practice diving in?Correct = Do 6 jumps that are all differentWrong = Do 6 jumps all the same and do 3 situps and 3 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline …

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Sharks 2/11/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM SWIM 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What are three things you should do to make position 11 and swimming easier?Correct = 50 FREE Kick with a boardWrong = 50 FREE Kick w/o (no) board. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE 5 x 100 FREE No …

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Minnows 2/11/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What stroke, or strokes, does position 11 work on?Correct = Do four different jumps with 4 different ways to do a pushup.Wrong = Do eight different jumps with 8 different ways to do a pushup. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for …

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Sharks 2/10/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many teams are in a Dual Meet?Correct = 50 of your two favorite strokesWrong = 50 of your two least liked strokes 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK K Split up into two groups: Group 1: 3 x SL …

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Minnows 2/10/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many teams compete in a Dual Meet?Correct = Do two jumps with both legs.Wrong = Do two jumps with both legs and throw both arms in the air. Do 2 pushups too. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before …

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Sharks 2/6/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE kick with a board and 12 BR kicks peppered through the 100. 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Name two things that can make a front flip easier.Correct = 50 FREE with a flip turnWrong = 50 FREE Kick with a flip turn 4 x 25 …

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Minnows 2/6/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Name two things that make a front flip easier.Correct = Jump in the air and clap 2 times while in the air.Wrong = Do 10 jumps and 4 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your …

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Sharks 2/5/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100: 1st 50, FLY K/ 2nd 50, BR K (no arms) 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Where does the butterfly kick begin (on your body)?Correct = 50 FLY KWrong = 50 FLY K on your back 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with exaggerated FLY kicks on …

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Minnows 2/5/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Where does the fly kick start, or “undulation” begin?Correct = Do 4 rolling fly kicks with your bodyWrong = Do 4 rolling fly kicks with your body and do 4 pushups from belly touching the ground. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11 Review 3 things …

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Sharks 2/4/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K with FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 FINS Question of the Day: What is an “undulation?”Correct = 50 FLY K w/ FINSWrong = 50 FLY K NO fins 4 x 25 on 1:00 FINS FLY 6 x 50 FREE Kick with or without a board or BK K …

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Minnows 2/4/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Show me an “undulation.”Correct = Flop like a fishWrong = Flop like a fish on the ground and do a 30-second plank. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) …

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Sharks 2/3/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: At a swim meet what are the timers looking for so they can stop their watches?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K on your back. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE K w/ board Split up into two groups: …

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Minnows 2/3/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: At a swim meet, what do the timers watch to stop the clock for your race?Correct = Stand in Tree Pose for 15 seconds. On the 15th second Jump as high as you can.Wrong = Stand in Tree Pose for 15 seconds. On the 15th second Jump as high …

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Minnows 1/30/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What has to touch the wall in freestyle to end your race?Correct = Slap the ground 4 times with either hand or shoulder.Wrong = Do five rolls in streamline and 3 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first …

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Minnows 1/29/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Correct = Wrong = Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:1) Keep your arms straight.2) …

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Sharks 1/28/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE K with board 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Will you get disqualified at a swim meet if you “jump” off the blocks?Correct = 50 FREEWrong = 50 FREE Kick w/ board 4 x 25 on 1:00 Free Kick w/ board Split up into two groups: …

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Minnows 1/28/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Will you get disqualified at a meet if you “jump” in the water off the blocks?Correct = Do 3 jumps with both feet.Wrong = Do 5 two feet jumps and 5 sit and stands (squats). Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for …

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Sharks 1/27/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BR (this is a test) 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What are the minimum requirements to get into White? (the next group up from Sharks).Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50: 25 BR / 25 FLY 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with FLY K on the …

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Minnows 1/27/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Should you start swimming after your streamline on the surface or underwater?Correct = Roll on the floor 3 times and do 2 pushups.Wrong = Do 5 situps and do 2 pushups Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) …

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Sharks 1/22/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How far is the first set of flags from the wall?Correct = 50 BKWrong = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 3 …

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Minnows 1/22/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards is it from the wall to the first flags?Correct = Do 5 jumps while in streamline Wrong = Do 5 jumps while in streamline, 5 in position 11, and 5 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline …

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Sharks 1/21/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many yards long is this pool? Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 5 x {1 …

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Minnows 1/21/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards long is the SRC pool?Correct = Do 20 jumpsWrong = Do 10 situps and a 20 second plank. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look …

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Sharks 1/20/2020

Question of the Day: What is today’s Date?Correct = Do 20 jumpsWrong = Do 20 jumps and 10 situps. What you need for today:1) Kickboard2) Fins3) Waterbottle (if you have one)4) Bravery. IF you miss an interval, a 20, or a length, then you need to pay 2 pushups and 2 situps for each one …

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Minnows 1/20/20

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is today’s Date?Correct = Do 20 jumpsWrong = Do 20 jumps and 10 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review 3 …

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Lessons 1/16/2020

Activity 1: Activity 2: Challenge: Activity 1: 6 x Back Glide Begin underwater. Lay on back, hands on head, grow into streamline. Push off in straight line. – Turn Around– Tilt your head back– Push off on the surface– Kick in soldier. Activity 2: Challenge: Activity 1: 3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 …

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Sharks 1/16/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is the order of a 200 Medley Relay?Correct = 50: 25 BK, 25 BRWrong = 50 FLY Kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE Split up into two groups: Group 1: 4 x 50: 2 strokes of BR …

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Minnows 1/16/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is the order of a 100 Medley Relay?Correct = Do 4 different types of jumpsWrong = Do 8 different types of jumps + 1 pushup. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your …

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Sharks 1/15/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Recite the entire Flow. Each step without looking at the board.Correct = 50 CHWrong = Do the flow on deck, then do a 50 FREE K no board. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE Split up into two groups: Group …

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Minnows 1/15/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Name a yoga pose that helps with swimming.Correct = Do that pose for 5 seconds and smile.Wrong = Do Plank for 10 seconds, then chaturanga for 2 seconds. Then 1 push up. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first …

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Sharks 1/14/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 HLBw/R w/ FINS on stomach 2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS Question of the Day: Why is knowing how to push against the water with different amounts of force important to swimming?(Tell a friend the answer)Correct = 50 BK K w/ FINSWrong = 50 Position 11 4 x 25 …

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Minnows 1/14/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What a current?Correct = Flow like a river from line to lineWrong =Do 10 situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review 3 …

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Sharks 1/13/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What team hosted the meet this last weekend in Wisconsin at the RecPlex?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K on back; use your belly and legs. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE Kick with board Split up into …

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Minnows 1/13/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: We had a swim meet this last weekend. Where was it?Correct = Name 6 body parts and point to them after doing 30 hops.Wrong = Do 5 belly on the ground push up into planks and 10 situps. Shout a body part at the top of ever situp. Warmup …

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Sharks 1/9/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FR K w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 FINS Question of the Day: What is the difference between a “heat” and an “event?”Correct = 50 MS, your best / favorite time stroke; NOT FREE.Wrong = 50 FLY K on back 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE K FINS Split …

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Minnows 1/9/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is the difference between a “heat” and an “event” at a swim meet?Correct = Hold a proud, confident, powerful pose for 30 seconds and look at yourself in the mirror when you do.Wrong = Do 5 squat down and stand-ups, and 4 bellies on the floor push up …

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Sharks 1/8/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 FINS Question of the Day: We are at swim practice. What are we “practicing” for? Correct = 50 MS = Main Stroke. Your personal best/favorite stroke you have the best times in.Wrong = 50 FR 4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY …

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Minnows 1/8/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Can Minnows go to every swim meet?Correct = Jump for joy 4 times and do 2 situpsWrong = Jump for shame and do 4 situps and 2 push-ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) …

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Minnows 1/7/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How should your belly look when you swim FR?Correct = Big belly walk across the roomWrong = 4 situps, 2 pushups, and lay on your back and do 5 big belly breaths. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first …

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Sharks 1/7/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How should your belly look when you swim FR?Correct = 50 BK with…Wrong = 50 FR K no board with… 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR. Belly control. Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back …

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Sharks 1/6/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How can doing something wrong make you better at doing it right? Like swimming.Correct = 50 CH stroke the wrong way.Wrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK K Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: …

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Minnows 1/6/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How can you make a mistake and still improve your swimming? or anything?Correct = Do 3 wrong streamlines then 1 right one.Wrong = Do 3 bad situps, then 4 good ones. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) …

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Sharks 1/2/2020

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is a Decade? What does it mean to decimate?Correct = 50 FREE with only 9 fingers open.Wrong = 50 FREE with only 1 finger open 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with fly kick streamlines. Split up into two …

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Minnows 1/2/2020

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is a decade?Correct = Do 10 JumpsWrong = Do 10 Pushups and situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review 3 things …

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Minnows 12/19/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is the name of the yoga pose that looks like “soldier?”Correct = Do a 20 seconds Tree poseWrong = Do 5 push up from the ground into Plank, and 3 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first …

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Sharks 12/18/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K on back with FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 FINS Question of the Day: Where can you do the 1 hour Laps for Coho make up swim?Correct = 50 FREE FINS Wrong = 50 BK K FINS 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K no board FINS HLBw/R …

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Minnows 12/18/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What pool can you do the 1 hour Laps for Coho makeup?Correct = Do 25 using two-foot jumps Wrong = do 25 two feet jumps and 5 sit squat and stands Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) …

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Minnows 12/17/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Can you still do a 1 hour Laps for Coho Swim? Yes or No?Correct = Roll on the floor sideways three times.Wrong = Do 2 somersaults and 5 situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your …

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Sharks 12/16/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS Question of the Day: What was the average number of lengths a Sharks swimmer swam at Laps for Coho?Correct = 50 CH no BR w/ FINSWrong = 50 FLY K w/ FINS 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE K …

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Minnows 12/16/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What was the average number of lengths Minnows swam at Laps for Coho?Correct = Do 40 hops on one foot, can switch feetWrong = Do 40 hops on one foot, can switch feet and 3 situps and 3 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. …

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Lesson 12/12/2019

Activity 1: Activity 2: Challenge: Activity 1: Activity 2: Challenge: Activity 1: 1 x 25 FREE with side breaths1 x 25 BK K Activity 2: Swim FREE to 1/2 way working on side breathing and looking down with face. Challenge: Swim instructor’s choice!

Sharks 12/12/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE K w/ board w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS Question of the Day: What is the maximum number of lengths you can swim at Laps for Coho?Correct = 50 CH FINSWrong = 50 FLY K w/ FINS 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE K with board …

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Minnows 12/12/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is the highest number of lengths you can get at Laps for Coho?Correct = 20 jumps while clapping in celebrationWrong = 40 jumps while making a sad face and then 2 sit-ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before …

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Sharks 12/11/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K with FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What prize do you get for raising $100 for Laps for Coho?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K on back 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE with FINS Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group …

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Minnows 12/11/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: At what dollar raised amount do you earn your first Laps for Coho Prize? Correct = Strut around wearing a beltWrong = Slink on the ground b/c your pants fell down without a belt and do 3 push ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. …

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Parent-Tot 12/7/2019

Do all things as a group. Announce the activity, give an example and have them do it on their own or with you for support. Be confident. They should know most of these things. Hokey Pokey Stand in a circle. Everyone sings. Instructor leads. Last thing of the day “You put your [right leg] in,You …

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Lessons 12/5/2019

Activity 1: Activity 2: Challenge: Activity 1: 3 x Back Glide Glide on back to the flags, then do anything on the way back. Activity 2: Challenge: 1 x 25 FREE with side breathing1 x 25 BK with body flat, feet kicking, arms moving, chin slightly tucked in.

Sharks 12/5/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 CH 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: When your parents count for you at Laps for Coho, do they count by 2’s or 1’s? (2, 4, 6, 8, etc, OR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc)Correct = 50 FLY KWrong = 50 BK K with whole hands …

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Minnows 12/5/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: When your parents count your “laps” do they count by 2’s or by 1’s? (1, 2, 3, 4, etc, or 2, 4, 6, 8)Correct = Bounce around on both feet for 20 hopsWrong = Bounce around on both feet for 20 hops + 2 situps and 2 pushups. Warmup …

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Sharks 12/4/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Who counts your laps, or lengths at the Laps for Coho event? Correct = 50 Steps of runningWrong = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Split up into two groups: Group 1: 3 streamlines. 1 at …

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Minnows 12/4/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Who counts your laps, or lengths at the Laps for Coho event?Correct = Count your breaths for 10 seconds.Wrong = Count your breaths for 10 seconds after doing 3 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock …

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Sharks 12/3/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BR K on back 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Do you have to raise money to participate in the 1 hour swim at Laps for Coho?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FR 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K with board. Split up into two groups: …

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Minnows 12/3/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Do you *have* to raise money to swim for 1 hour at Laps for Coho?Correct = Do 1 lap throwing money in the airWrong = Do 1 lap picking up money from the floor and do 3 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review …

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Sharks 12/2/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is Laps for Coho?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY K Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group Laps for Coho Test SET: …

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Minnows 12/2/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is Laps for Coho?Correct = Do 1 lap runningWrong = do 1 running lap and 5 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your …

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Thanksgiving Week Minnows 11/26/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Do Turkeys swim?Correct = 3 gobbling Push upsWrong = 3 gobbling push-ups and 3 gobbling sit-ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review …

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Thanksgiving week Minnows 11/25/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is Coach Jeff’s Favorite Thanksgiving feast food?Correct = 2 Gobble gobble pushupsWrong = 2 Gobble gobble pushups and 2 Gobble gobble situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of …

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Sharks 11/21/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does not move when you swim Backstroke?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK w/ SL underwater: challenge, to the flags underwater. Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back …

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Minnows 11/21/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Flip turns are for which stroke(s)?Correct = 2 jumps with a silly poseWrong = 1 sullen, sad, jump. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your …

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Lessons 11/21/2019

Activity 1: Activity 2: 3 x SL + 3 FREE Strong freestyle kick throughout.Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke. If possible NO breath. Challenge: Activity 1: Activity 2: Challenge: 1 x 25 FREE Kick with board1 x 25 BACK Kick with board Activity 1: 3 x …

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Sharks 11/20/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: When you do a flip turn, what position should you be in when your feet hit the wall?Correct = 50 FR w/ a flip turnWrong = 50 BK w/ a flip turn 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Split up …

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Minnows 11/20/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: When diving in, should you lock your thumbs before your hands touch the water?Correct = 2 jumps with a goofy poseWrong = 2 x Streamlines in deep end. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) …

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Sharks 11/18/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Is chocolate milk a good choice to drink immediately after swim practice? https://www.swimmingscience.net/is-chocolate-milk-an-adequate-recovery-aid-for-swimmers/ Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K no board. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREEStreamline to the flags, make the interval, finish by touching the …

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Minnows 11/18/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Is chocolate milk a good choice to drink immediately after swim practice? https://www.swimmingscience.net/is-chocolate-milk-an-adequate-recovery-aid-for-swimmers/ Correct = 25 AnythingWrong = 25 BK K Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look …

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Sharks 11/15/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Is a dive like a streamline? Yes or No?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY K no board. Split up into two groups: Activity 1: 1 x 300 FREE1 x 200 BK1 …

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Minnows 11/15/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Is a dive like a streamline? Yes or No?Correct = Do 2 cannonballsWrong = Do 2 sad jumps and 3 push ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) …

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Lesson 11/14/2019

Activity 1: 3 x Streamline with FREE kicks. Goal to get to the yellow.Start on right hand side of the lane, push off underwater, and stay in streamline at surface for a little bit. Activity 2: 3 x SL + 3 FREE Strong freestyle kick throughout.Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, …

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Sharks 11/14/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Where did Coach Jeff go on vacation?Correct = 50 Cactus swim: FR or BK or FLY with Spikey finger and toesWrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get …

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Minnows 11/14/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: If you go on vacation what do you have to wear so that your picture gets put on the Coho Facebook page.Correct = 3 Selfie posesWrong = 1 selfie pose plus 3 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before …

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Minnows 11/13/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Must you go off the blocks at a swim meet? (no).Correct = Hold plank for 10 seconds Wrong = Hold plank for 10 seconds, do 2 pushups and 2 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock …

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Sharks 11/12/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FR Kick no board 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is the youngest age you can join COHO? (5)Correct = 50 ChWrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Aerobic and Learning: 1 x 100 FREE2 x SL + 1 x (11, Eat and …

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Minnows 11/12/19

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Coach’s ChoiceCorrect = Laugh like an evil goblinWrong = Do 5 pushups while evil goblins dance. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with your whole face).Review …

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Sharks 11/7/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does the LONG whistle mean at a swim meet?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 2 strokes FLY + FR the rest. Aerobic practice: 5 x 100 Odds FREE, Evens BACK 5 x …

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Minnows 11/7/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards long is each DHS pool lane?Correct = 25 hops on both feetWrong = 25 hops on each foot, one at a time. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears …

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Sharks 11/6/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does HLBw/R mean?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 HLB w/ R 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK, make the interval! Split up into two groups: 3 x SL + 1 FLY stroke with no kick. Push water down, sweep …

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Minnows 11/6/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards are in a 500 yard freestyle?Correct = 5 jumps with high knees.Wrong = 5 jumps with high knees and a 30 second plank. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your …

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Sharks 11/4/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FR 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many breaths can you take between the flags and the wall in Freestyle during a “victory finish?”Correct = 50 FRWrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR with victory finishes Split up into two groups: Group 1: …

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Minnows 11/4/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many breaths can you take on freestyle during a “victory finish?”Correct = 3 jumps without a breathWrong = 3 jumps without a breath and 3 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze …

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Building swim lesson plans

You can create fun and effective swim lesson plans with some basic tools, but if you want to really increase your game, improve your program and get the most out of your swim lessons and developmental swim practices the best thing to do is join the Developmental Swim Practice subscription so you can mix and …

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Minnows 10/29/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What is a “heat” at a swim meet?Correct = Line up and do 2 heats of run from line to line.Wrong = Same as correct + 2 situps and 2 pushups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11 Zombie! Review 3 things for Streamline before first …

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Sharks 10/29/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Coffin Kick or Crusty Zombie swim 2 x 25 Position 11 ZOMBIE! Question of the Day: What strokes MUST touch the wall with two hands, at the same time?Correct = 50 Scary eye’d BR, where your eyes never go underwater.Wrong = 50 Coffin Kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 2 …

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Sharks 10/28/2019 Halloween Week

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Halloween Haunt: swim underwater and say “boo!” when you come to the surface. Swim with only eyes showing above water. 2 x 25 Position 11 Zombie Question of the Day: Can you wear your Halloween Costume during your swim at the Wednesday meet? Correct = 50 Swim like your Halloween …

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Minnows 10/28/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Can you wear your Halloween Costume during your swim at the Wednesday meet?Correct = Pretend like you are the costume you’re going as.Wrong = Do 3 push-ups and 3 situps like you’re the character your costume is. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11 Zombie. Review …

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Sharks 10/24/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What stroke (s) does HLBw/R Drill work on?Correct = 50 FR or BKWrong = 50 FR K or BK K no board. 4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY K no board. Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: …

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Minnows 10/24/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What strokes does HLBw/R Drill work on?Correct = Twelve twisting spinsWrong = Ten twisting spins (hips) + 3 situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with …

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Sharks 10/22/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K on back 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What should you rotate to make your freestyle breathing better?Correct = 50 FRWrong = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK K no board. Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together …

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Minnows 10/22/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What can you rotate to make breathing to the side in freestyle easier?Correct = 6 twirling spinsWrong = 6 spins + 4 situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of …

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Sharks 10/21/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS Question of the Day: What does Coho do at Halloween hoopla?Correct = 50 CHWrong = 50 FLY K no fins 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K w/ FINS Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get …

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Minnows 10/21/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What does Coho do at Halloween Hoopla?Correct = Do 3 pushups and pretend like you’re giving directions at a game.Wrong = Do 3 pushups and 3 situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze …

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Sharks 10/18/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many yards away from the wall are the flags?Answer: Y = 50 FLY w/ FINSN = 50 FLY K no fins 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR FINS Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group …

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Minnows 10/18/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards away from the wall are the flags?Answer: 5 yards!Y = 5 Flapping arm jumpsN = 5 flapping arm jumps, 5 situps. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back …

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Sharks 10/17/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What happens if you don’t touch the far wall when you do your turn in a 50 FR at a swim meet?Answer: You get disqualified! Y = 50 FR with a flip turn N = 50 BK 4 x …

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Minnows 10/17/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What happens if you don’t touch the far wall when you do your turn in a 50 FR at a swim meet?Answer: You get disqualified!Y = Touch the wall with both feet or your hand 10 quick times.N = Touch the wall with both feet or your hand 10 …

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Sharks 10/16/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Bk arms with breaststroke kick. On back. 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: must you got off the blocks at a swim meet during your event, ghat isn’t backstroke?Answer: no! You are allowed to go off the side, or start in the water, but you should start …

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Minnows 10/16/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Must you dive off the blocks at a swim meet?Answer: No! You’re allowed to use the side of the pool, get in the water, or dive off the side. You get to choose. Y = 2 jumps in the air as high as you can N = 2 jumps …

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Sharks 10/15/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 2 fly + fly kick the rest of each 25 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Are goggles a part of your swim uniform?Answer: Yes! They are considered a part of your uniform just like your suit. Y = 50 ChN = 50 BK no goggles and …

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Minnows 10/15/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Are goggles a part of your swim uniform?Answer: Yes! And if you have a challenge or difficulty with them before a meet you’re allowed to adjust before they start the race. Y = roll on the floor three rolls and retry your suit, or snap your straps twice. N …

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Sharks 10/11/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BR K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: The feet push the water with the inside of the foot on which stroke’s kick?Answer: Breaststroke!Y = 50 BRN = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 BK Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back …

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Minnows 10/11/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Name two things you can do to do a flip?Answer: Tuck your chin, lift your hips.Y = Roll on the floor like a ball.N = Roll on the floor like a ball and do 3 push-ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things …

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Sharks 10/10/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What strokes must you touch the wall with both hands at the same time on?Answer: Fly and BRY = 50 Fly or BRN = 50 Free 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE Split up into two groups: Group 1: 3 …

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Minnows 10/10/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards are in a 500 yard freestyle?Answer: 500Y = 100 footstepsN = 100 footsteps + 5 situps Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).3) Look down (with …

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Sharks 10/7/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Br kick on back no knees over the surface 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How do you officially know that you were disqualified at a swim meet?Answer: The official raises their hand and your coach gets a dq slipY = 50 choice anything anything, walk swim …

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Minnows 10/7/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How do you know officially that you were disqualified at a swim meet?Answer: You see the officials hand go up, and then you get dq slipY = 10 raise your hand into position 11 from soldierN = Same, plus 5 sit-ups Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 …

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Sharks 10/4/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Bk 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is the correct way the officials will blow the whistles and start a race?Answer: 5 short whistle, 1 long whistles, take your mark, beenY = 50 chN = 50 bk k 4 x 25 on 1:00 Free Split up …

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Minnows 10/4/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: which event start is correct. Coach blows the whistle 5 short times, one long time, then says, take. Your mark, then blows the whistle again. coach then does 3 short whistle blasts then two long ones and says, take your mark, get set, go!Answer: First optionY = 5 jumps …

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Sharks 10/3/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Back 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: how many short whistles are there before the long whistle at a swim meet?Answer: Y = 50 ChN = 50 Fly kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 Fly kick with fins Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: …

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Minnows 10/3/2019

Dryland Activities: Dryland – Grow into Streamline On deck have everyone squat to the floor. Do 3 – 5 times. Tiring. Keep the back as straight as possible. Put their hands on their head like the picture. Stand into streamline. “Grow from a tiny sprout into a tall reaching streamline.” Locked thumb Squeezed ears Face …

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Sharks 10/1/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does the long whistle mean at a swim meet?Answer: Get ready, get on the block, get in the water, get ready to do your start.Y = 50 FREEN = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K …

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Minnows 10/1/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What does the LONG whistle mean before a race at a swim meet?Answer: “Get ready,” or “get on the block,” or “get ready to dive in.”Y = Do 3 Streamline starts from the groundN = Do 5 excellent pushups from belly on the ground to plank. Warmup in water: …

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Should your swim instructor be “polite?”

This weekend we had our first swim lessons of the fall season. Septemeber and October are extremely difficult times of the year. If you have a large high school staff then many of your employees are likely burned out from the summer by the end of the year work and struggle to fully staff you …

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Sharks 9/26/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Free 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many yards are there between the flags (middle of the pool)?Answer: 15 yards. 5 yards each from wall to flags. Y = 50 FLY KN = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR Split up into two …

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Minnows 9/26/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: In this pool, how many yards is between the flags?Answer: in a 25-yard pool it is 15 yards from flag to flag in the middle of the pool.Y = 1 walking lap around the pool. Count number of starting blocks.N = 15 situps and count number of lanes. Warmup …

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Sharks 9/25/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FR 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What are three things to make swimming better?Answer: Keep your body straight, Kick faster when you breathe, make it a quick breath.Y = 50 CHN = 50 FR 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K no board Split up into …

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Minnows 9/25/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What are the three things to make a streamline better?Answer: lock your thumb, squeeze your ears, look down Y = Do 3 of any, sit-up, push-up, or sit-up.N = do 10 sit-ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first …

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Sharks 9/24/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What direction should the thumbs aim when you recover in butterfly?Y = 50 FLY KN = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K w/ boards Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back …

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Minnows 9/24/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Where does the freestyle arm stroke begin and end?Answer: In position 11Y = Flap your armslike a bird 10 times while jumping.N = Hold position 11 while doing 20 FR kicks laying on the ground. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for …

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Sharks 9/23/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K w/ FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many kicks should you do per arm stroke in freestyle?Answer: 6 per arm stroke for a six-beat kickY = Do 6 pitter-patter feet per arm stroke while walking from black to blackN = Do 60 little …

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Minnows 9/23/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many kicks should you do per arm stroke in freestyle?Answer: 6 per arm stroke for a six-beat kickY = Do 6 pitter patter feet per arm stroke while walking from black to blackN = Do 60 little kicks while laying on back with feet off the ground. Warmup …

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Sharks 9/17/2019

*ADAPTED PRACTICE* Coach called in sick, one coach for 25 kids. Distance and endurance without splitting into two groups. Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 IM SWIM 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What type of kicks should you do on EVERY streamline except BR?Answer: Fly kicksY = 50 CH N = 50 …

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Minnows 9/17/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What does Perpendicular mean?Answer: At a right angle to something else. Or Pushing directly sideways out of a flat line. LY = Walk in Airplane for 2 black lines to black lines.N = HOLD a V shape with only your butt touching the gound for 7 seconds. Warmup in …

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Sharks 9/16/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FR K no board 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What target should you aim for in EVERY pool when doing a streamline?Answer: The flags.Y = 50 CH with long streamline0N = 50 Bk K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K with Board Split up into …

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Minnows 9/16/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: Where should you streamline to in THIS pool?Answer: Somewhere between the yellow and the first white discs (flags).Y = Black line to black line 2 x with noodly armsN = Black line to black line 2 x with streamline arms. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position …

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Sharks 9/12/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK K no board 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What are the three words that define what Coho wants to foster?Y = 50 CHN = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FINS fly K Split up into two groups: Group 1: 3 x SL + …

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Minnows 9/12/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What are three words we want to see and develop on Coho?Answer: Spirit, Character, PrideY = Walk like you’re a proud King or Queen with chin high and chest full 3 lapsN = cower and do 3 timid frightened sit-ups and then 4 trembling arm and belly push-ups. Warmup …

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Minnows 9/10/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: How many yards is it from the wall to the flags?Answer: 5 yardsY = 3 yelling barks or cries of any animal while doing 3 jumping jacks.N = 10 jumps in place and 5 sit-ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for …

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Sharks 9/9/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY K with FINS 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Can you do an open turn in Freestyle and NOT get DQ’d?Y = 50 FR with flip turnN = 50 FLY K 4 x 25 on 1:00 Fly 2 strokes with FINS and FR the rest Split …

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Minnows 9/9/2019

Dryland Activities: Question of the Day: What strokes does Position 11 work on?Answer: Fly, Bk, BR, FR (all!)Y = Roll sideways three times (full rolls) N = Do 30 jumps and 5 sit ups. Warmup in water: 100 IM Kick2 x 25 position 11. Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.1) Lock your thumb.2) …

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Sharks 9/5/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Name one way to get disqualified on ButterflyY = 50 CHN = 50 FLY kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 3 x { …

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Minnows 9/5/2019

Dryland Activities: Mirror dancing. Move your belly, your posture, and your limbs while looking at yourself. Game/Challenge: Question of the Day: What are the two main strokes we learn in Minnows?Answer: Free and BackstrokeY = Do 3 different animal noises while walking black line to black lineN = Do 10 sit-ups. Warmup in water: 100 …

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Sharks 9/4/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Fly kick no board 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: When do you finish your last stroke on freestyle before a flip turn?Answer: at the “T” markY = 50 FRN = 50 BK K 4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE Split up into two groups: Group 1: …

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Minnows 9/4/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What do you do first when you push off the wall?Answer: StreamlineY = 10 hops on one foot.N = 5 streamline squat and jumps Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 2 x 25 …

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Sharks 9/3/2019

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FREE Long and easy 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does “IM” stand for.Y = 50 7 free + flipN = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR Kick w/ board Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one …

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Pre-Tryout Clinic Day 3

1 x 25 Backstroke Kick get in and go Question of the Day: Why are there flags above the pool?Y= 1 jump off blocksN = One time lay on the bottom of the pool on your back Challenge: Kick in water over head with both arms above water in position 11 for 3 seconds. And …

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Pre-Tryout Clinic Day 2

Introduce the “Flow” 2 x 25 1= FREE 2 = BK Question of the Day: What strokes use “flutter kick?” Y = 1 jump off block N = 4 spins with nothing touching in the shallow end. 1 x 25 FR with side breathing

Pre-Tryout Clinic Day 1

Warmup Jump in and run or swim to 1/2 way in Mini lane as fast as possible. Get out. On deck, review “setting up your lane:” Get in and set up your lane. 3 x do a streamline off the wall. When you stop, or take a breath, move over and set up your lane. …

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7/15/2019 Sharks

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BR Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How many lanes were at the Coho Classic?Y = 50 CHN = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR Speedplay Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 12 x 25 …

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7/15/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: At the Coho Classic how many lanes were there to compete in? 6Y = 25 Dive and swim freeN = 25 push off wall and swim back Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group

7/11/2019 Sharks

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 FLY KICK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Y = 50 BR Arms with FREE kickN = 50 FR Arms with Fly kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 2 FLy + FR rest Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one …

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7/10/2019 Sharks

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 Bk 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: If you fall in before the beep at a meet can you climb out and get back on the block? “Yes if the officials let you. No if you get disqualified.” Y = 25 Dive FR with Fly kickN = …

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7/10/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: If you fall in before the beep at a meet can you climb out and get back on the block? “Yes if the officials let you. No if you get disqualified.”Y = 25 Dive in and swim FR w/ fly kickN = …

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7/9/2019 Sharks

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does LCM mean? Long course meters.Y = 50 CH anythingN = 50 Fly Kick 4 x 25 on 1:00 2 fly + free rest Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group …

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7/9/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What does LCM mean? “Long course meters”Y = 25 jump and Anything swimN = 25 push off side and backstroke swim Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: 3 x SL on belly + 3 HLBw/R Head Lead Balance with …

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7/2/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How does locking your thumb help your streamline?Y = 25 BK KN = 25 Doggie paddle Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group

7/1/2019 Sharks

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 CH 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: How do you explode like a firework off the blocks?Y = 50 CHN = 50 BK 4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY K Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 10 x …

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6/20/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: At a swim meet name one way you can get DQ’dY = 25 Dive and swim CHN = 25 Sit and slide in and swim BK Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group

6/18/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: At a swim meet what tells you to “get on the blocks?”Y = Jump + FR to 1/2 wayN = Push off wall + FR to 1/2 way Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one …

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6/17/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is a swim meet?Y = Jump off block like a trickN = Push off side and swim to 1/2 way FR. Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group

5/23/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is an “undulation?” Whole body roll like a fly kick starting at chest and flowing through toes.Y = Walk while undulating like seaweed with legs trying to leave the water.N = Flop on the ground like limp seaweed or a fish …

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5/20/2019 Sharks

Warmup 100 IM Kick 100 BK 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: Name two yoga poses that help your swimming.Y = 50 CHN = 50 Position 11 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR Split up into two groups: Group 1: Group 2: Get back together into one group 1 x { 2 …

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5/16/2019 Minnows

Warmup 100 IM Kick 2 x 25 Position 11 Question of the Day: What is the third thing we look for regarding excellent swimming, “Posture, Line, and _________?” Answer: Balance.Y = Balance on 1 foot for as long as it takes you to sing happy birthdayN = Walk with perfect posture for 2 large squares …

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