SIP 035: What makes a good swim coach?

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You can focus on the ‘change mindset’ and foster successful swimmers in the future.

Coach I work with talking about job history, philosophy of coaching


Fixed mindset, change mindset


Work hard and you will fail


Coach’s role: games? No. Respect. Yelling doesn’t earn it. Don’t be feared.


Expectation of hard work and care.


Clarify and reword what head coach doesn’t address or explain well.


What makes a good swimmer?

Instill and teach your swimmers to have a change mindset. They’re going to fail. It will happen. How can we mentally and physically prepare them for that reality, and give them tools they need to do well.

Constantly evaluate what swimmers are doing in the water and provide opportunities to recognize, adjust, and create new habits that lead to time and swimming success.

Create personal connection to inspire. Connection to swimmer to allow them to feel safe to say when they don’t understand.

A good coach fosters a change mindset and provides the culture and environment that reinforces it.

Hard work doesn’t always = success. Real world lessons. Hard work doesn’t always mean swimming success.  Coach effort. Coach excellence and get to failure and train that.


How to balance focus on times as rewards and effort.

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