Swim Drill – Fly – Undulate, Pause, Undulate and stroke
Butterfly Drill: Pause, undulate, pause, undulate and stroke.
This drill is actually two steps.
1) P+U+P+U/stroke
- GO SLOW! Do not rush this drill.
- the Pause (P) is floating on the surface balanced, arms out straight above the shoulders, head in line, looking down.
- Undulate (U) is a fly body motion. Start with the chest pressing down, then roll through the legs. !!PROTIP!! Crucial to NOT use the head, or over exaggerate the legs. The body roll/undulation should very slightly PULL the body through the water.
- it is NOT a KICK.
- After 1 undulation pause for 3 seconds
- Repeat
2) P+U+P+U/stroke
- add the stroke portion.
- Remember! The last portion is undulate AND stroke.
- begin with a body undulation and press the chest down into the water.
- As the body presses down, press the hands forward and into the fly catch position.
- breathe on the pauses, and return to a solid float /balance position before beginning the next undulation.