Lesson 12/12/2019

Set up your lane

1st person starts in the lane’s corner.

Everyone else lines up along the lane line.

#1 pushes off, does their activity, then moves over. Returns to the back of the line.

#2 can begin with the person ahead of them crosses the black line to the other side of the lane.

You can do anything when you return. Stay out of the way.

Activity 1:

Streamline from above. Locked thumb, squeezed ears, looking down.

3 x SL + Free Kick

Dropdown underwater, then push off in streamline.
Grown into a streamline as you push with your legs.

Activity 2:

3 x SL + 3 FREE + Flip

Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.

If possible NO breath.


Challenge – Flips

3 x Front flips

3 x Back flips, in a ball, like picture.

Super challenge: do 2 front flips in less than 5 seconds.

Super Duper Challenge: Do 5 flips in less than 10 seconds. With breathing.

Activity 1:

3 x SL + 5 kicks in position 11 + 1 breath to side in position 1, then 5 kicks in position 1 with face down.

Do a streamline with all three things. At surface kick in position 11. Put one arm at hips, keeping the other arm extended forward above the shoulder on the surface.

Take one breath to side, continuing to kick.

Look down again, and kick in position 1 for 5 more kicks. The goal is side breaths.

Activity 2:

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath

Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.

Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.


Challenge – Hips above the surface

Push off the wall in streamline briefly.

Pike at the belly lifting the hips above the water so that the butt breaths over the waves.

Hands down, head down, and legs down.

Activity 1:

1 x 25 FREE with side breaths
1 x 25 BK K

Activity 2:

Swim FREE to 1/2 way working on side breathing and looking down with face.


Swim instructor’s choice!

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