Dryland Activities:
Question of the Day: Must you go off the blocks at a swim meet? (no).
Correct = Hold plank for 10 seconds
Wrong = Hold plank for 10 seconds, do 2 pushups and 2 situps.
Warmup in water:
100 IM Kick
2 x 25 position 11.
Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.
1) Lock your thumb.
2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:
1) Keep your arms straight.
2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Aerobic and Learning:
1 x 50 FREE
2 x SL + 3 FREE + Flip
1 x 50 FREE
2 x Sl + 5 FREE + 1 breath + Flip
1 x 50 FREE
2 x SL on back to flags + 3 BK after flags.
1 x 50 BK
2 x SL on Back underwater + 3 BK after flags
1 x 50 FR or BK swimmer’s choice.