Minnows Week 1, #1

1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 50 BK
1 x 50 Position 11: review 3 things for 11 and SL before starting

Question of the Day:
What is the fastest position in the water?
Correct: Do 3 x SL, top, bottom, or underwater, and on any side of body.
Wrong: 50 FREE

3 x {
1 x 50: Position 11 to 1/2 way, then FREE the other half of each 25
3 x SL + 3 FREE; no breathing. Kick whole time
1 x 50 FREE with breathing to both sides or every 3 strokes
1 x Challenge

Challenge #1:
Float on your stomach in a star position. Turn it into a front flip, then sink to the bottom.

Challenge #2:
Push off the wall in airplane, underwater, and get past the yellow with NO kicking.

Challenge #3:
Push off the wall, and without coming to the surface do a handstand on the “T” mark.

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