Sharks 12/19/2019
100 IM Kick
100 FLY K on BK w/ FINS
2 x 25 Position 11 w/ FINS
Question of the Day: If you do yoga at home, or not at swimming can it make you a better swimmer?
Correct = 50 CH no BR FINS
Wrong = 50 FREE K FINS
4 x 25 on 1:00 Free w/ FINS
4 x 100
1: HLBw/ R on back
2&3: FR K with board.
4: Free no fins
Two Dice Grid workout with Challenges
1) 1 x 111 FREE w/ FINS 4 lengths, + 1/2 a 25. | 2) 2 x 25 BK K | 3) CHALLENGE ROLL! | 4) 4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K w/ FINS no board. Focus on HLBw/R to breathe. |
5) 3 x SL + 1 x (11, Eat, 11) + 1 BR K in position 11. | 6) 2 x 50 FREE attempt a flip turn. | 7) 1 x 50 BK | 8) 2 x 25 FLY with FINS |
9) 3 x SL + 2 Fly arms no kick | 10) 1 x 100 BK or FREE | 11) 11*(number of people in your lane) streamline jumps. | 12) CHALLENGE ROLL! |
Game – Dice Roll Challenges
1) 5 Front flips between the “T” mark and the wall. | 2) 2 front flips where feet, paint the wall as they go around, over the head and back to the floor. |
3) Push off on your side, underwater, with arms stretched in airplane. One arm aiming up, other arm aiming down. | 4) Only using your hands without your feet touching the ground or pushing off the wall, move from the first person corner, to the yellow, across the lane, and back to the wall corner moving in a square. |
5) Have a friend hold a floating smiley face toy at the flags. Do a streamline underwater and come up, underneath the toy to touch it with your fingers without looking. | 6) Do 5 jumps off the bottom in SL where your belly button gets above the water. Start in water up to your chest. |