100 IM Kick
100 Thanksgiving Run
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Which State in the United States makes the most Turkeys?
Correct = 50 Choice Anything
Wrong = 50 Gobble BK
4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE w/ FINS
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:
3 x SL + Brussel Sprout Toss in oil and mustard

Group 2:
3 x SK + Pour Gravy over your turkey. Have a friend float like a turkey and pour yourself over them after your streamline.

Get back together into one group
Earn your FEAST!
1 x 100 FREE K w/ FINS
1 x 100 BK K w/ FINS
1 x 75 FR
1 x 75 BK
2 x 25 BR
2 x 25 FLY
1 x 75 BK w/ FINS
1 x 75 FR w/ FINS
1 x 100 BK w/ FINS
1 x 100 FR w/ FINS
Answer!: Minnesotta