Swim Drill – Butterfly continued with Water Drills

Butterfly continued with Water Drills

Head Lead Body Undulation– Arms In the Saddles.  Grow the Neck, keep the ribs down, the bellybutton in and up, and the shoulders away from the ears. Do not kick or use legs.  Press the Lungs slightly down into the water and let the energy flow through the body.  Head does not go under water.  Emphasis is on undulation, not moving forward.  Most common mistakes are not Growing the Neck, Pressing the head instead of the lungs, and punching forward with the chin.

Arm Lead Body Undulation – Same as Head Lead Body Undulation, but arms are out in front of the shoulders. Arms do not move or go up and down. Grow the Neck, keep the ribs down,the bellybutton in and up, and the shoulders away from the ears.  Do not kick or use legs.  Press the Lungs slightly down into the water and let the energy flow through the body. Most common mistakes are not Growing the Neck, Pressing the head instead of the lungs, and punching forward with the chin.

Angel Drill– Same as on the deck.  Can flutter kick a little to stay up at the surface of the water. Do not bring arms past the waist, and hold posture!

Arm Lead Undulation with Angel Drill– 3 undulations without a breath. Take one ann stroke and breathe, and land The Line.  Try for as little up and down movement as possible, don’t  dive down, everything goes forward!

Hip Delay– Start in Head Lead Body Undulation position.  After 2 or 3 undulations, do Angel Drill forward, pull, and get back into Head Lead position.  This drill will help teach a relaxed Recovery.  Common mistake is dropping the head on the Recovery.

Fly Arms with Flutter Kick– Body working around The Line, no up and down.  Use a tight, small fast flutter kick.  Recover close to the body line.

Progression to Full Stroke– Use flutter kick for 3 hand hits, then switch to body undulation. Keeps the emphasis off trying to kick with legs on Butterfly.

Run The Line – On third hand hit stop and establish The Line for a 3 or 4 second count.  Then Load and use body undulation to re-start.  Common mistake: If they have to float to the surface after stopping to establish The Line, they are diving down too much on entry.

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