Private Lessons 12/14/2020
1 x 100 IM Kick
4 x 75: K / S / CH
K and S = IM O so 1st 75 would be 25 K fly, 25 swim fly, 25 choice.
1 x 50 Position 11; tell coach all 3 things for SL and 11
Question of the Day:
How many kicks should you do per amrstroke of fly?
Correct: Do 3 FLY strokes with kick underwater.
Wrong: Swim a 50 BK
1 x 200 FREE
Keep swimming. You can do it.
1 x 100 BK K
1 x 50 BR
1 x 25 FLY
1 x 25 CH
2 x
1 x 200 FREE, 3rd 50 super fast.
1 x 100 K/D x 1/2 way BK
2 x 50: BR; Focus on U.B.P. (underwater breaststroke pullout).
4 x 25: IMO Sprint the BR.
Push off the wall with hands at your side (soldier) glide to the flags without kicking.
Swim FLY backwards (feet first, arms in wrong direction) from wall to the flags.
Streamline off the wall with regular flutter kick. While underwater spin completely around one time, at surface do 2 Legal fly strokes.