Sharks 10/24/2019


100 IM Kick

100 IM

2 x 25 Position 11

Question of the Day: What stroke (s) does HLBw/R Drill work on?
Correct = 50 FR or BK
Wrong = 50 FR K or BK K no board.

4 x 25 on 1:00 FLY K no board.

Split up into two groups:

Group 1:

3 x SL with 2 BR kicks underwater

Streamline underwater with nothing, then while still streamline and still underwater, do 2 breaststroke kicks to torpedo self forward.

Group 2:

3 x SL + no K + 1 FLY Stroke with a 1/2 kick from “airplane” to 11

No kicking on the streamline until the very end of the arm stroke.

Glide on SL first, then at the surface move the arms in the fly motion.

Okay for the recovery, from hips to airplane to push the swimmer backward.

Add 1/2 kick

Once the arms get to “airplane position the swimmer should initiate a 1/2 kick pressing their butt in the air and their lungs forward until the arms reach position 11

Thumbs aim down and should be only part of the hand touching the water.

Arms do not go UP over the water or over the body. Natural and easy movement around the sides.

Get back together into one group

1 Point3 Points5 Points
– Challenge: Do 2 front
flips in 5 seconds without a
3 x SL + 3 FR + Flip4 x 25 FLY with Fins
– Challenge: Swim to 1/2
way FR with no breath
3 x SL + 2 FLY no Kick 1 x 100 FR with fins
– Challenge: Streamline
with NO kicks to the flags
3 x Flip torward wall 1st, then SL on back to flags underwater. 2 x 50 BK
– Challenge: Swim a 25 FLY w/ FINS in under 20
3 x SL on back underwater – stay in SL to the flags
2 x 25 BR and 2 x 25 Fly
– Challenge: Come up with a 5 step swim dance
where each of the five
steps are different swim
specific poses.
3 x SL + 1 BR stroke with a long glide 2 x 50 FR K no board

Each lane chooses a column then an activity inside the column. Do that activity for the amount of points.

Team with the most points at the end wins.

Cannot do the same column two times in a row.

Can only do each activity 1 time. No repeating the same thing over and over.

Take turns who chooses what to do. Send one rep to the board to make a choice and then they go back and explain to the lane.

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