100 IM Kick
100 FLY K w/ FINS
2 x 25 Position 11 with FINS
Question of the Day: How many 25’s are in a 500 FR?
Answer: 20
Y = 50 FR
N = 50 FLY K
4 x 25 on 1:00 FR w/ FINS
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 1 FLY stroke with 3-4 Kicks during arm stroke
No kick on SL, as soon as you start fly arm stroke begin kicking as many times as possible until arms return to 11.
Arms move normal speed.
This is a WRONG way to swim, but done to illustrate how there can be too many kicks in an arm stroke and too few.
Group 2:

3 x SL w/ FLY K
Lock the thumb and squeeze the ears.
Move the hips and legs.
Challenge is to keep the head and arms in SL from waving up and down.
Drive the motion from the chest, rolling down through the belly, hip, and thighs snapping the knees.
Get back together into one group
3 x {
4 x 25 2 strokes FLY w/ FINS + FR the rest of 25.
Focus on: Arms swinging through airplane position and clapping the back of your hands above your head in position 11.
1 x 100 FR K no fins. Can use board.
1 x Challenge
Challenge – Streamline Launch
Form partners.
Other person pushes their feet to launch them forward in streamline.
The pushing person can’t go past the flags or the “T” mark. Set a distance that the streamliner needs to travel to pass the challenge, without falling out of streamline or kicking.
Pusher can use the wall to push. This is encouraged.

Challenge –
Push off in Airplane, do 1/2 FLY stroke with 1 kick to get to Flags.

Push off in Airplane

From airplane move into 11 with a single FLY kick
Float until you get to the flags in position 11. If you can.