Swimming Game – Choice Grid
Use your chalkboard, whiteboard, or poster and create a grid on it.
Activity 1 3x streamline + 3 strokes Free |
Activity 2 3x streamline + 2 fly strokes no kick |
Activity 3 3x streamline + 3 BK strokes |
Activity 4 3x streamline + 2 BR strokes |
10 Flips | 10 Handstands | 10 Streamline Jumps | 10 Handstands that turn into flips |
4×25 FLY K | 4×25 FR K | 2x 50 BK | 1×100 BR |
Float on back from bottom to surface | Put nose, belly button and 1 big toe on bottom for 2 seconds 3x | Do 5 second front float, then flip 5x | Find place in lane to do 3 creative streamlines |
Here is an example grid that you could use. Notice how it is a mix of games, workouts, short distance skill work.
Players start on the first row and can chose a single box from that row.
After they complete that activity, they choose a box from the second row. Indicate their choice by writing their lane # in a corner.
Go through the grid two or three times, and on subsequent times through they cannot make the same choice again (why you mark the box with their lane #).
Activity 1 3x streamline + 3 strokes Free |
Activity 2 3x streamline + 2 fly strokes no kick |
Activity 3 3x streamline + 3 BK strokes |
Activity 4 3x streamline + 2 BR strokes |
10 Flips | 10 Handstands | 10 Streamline Jumps | 10 Handstands that turn into flips |
4×25 FLY K | 4×25 FR K | 2x 50 BK | 1×100 BR |
Float on back from bottom to surface | Put nose, belly button and 1 big toe on bottom for 2 seconds 3x | Do 5 second front float, then flip 5x | Find place in lane to do 3 creative streamlines |
As an example, the group went through the grid, and did the activities in RED. For the second time down the grid, they would need to choose from each row a box still BLACK.
You can tailor this game for anything you want. It gives swimmers a choice in their workout, but limited by what you put in the boxes. This game instills a sense of personal responsibility because it gives the swimmers the illusion of choice.
The game came can turn into a race, or give surprise awards for Tick, tack, toe’s or Connect 4’s, or Bingos.
Make the game more random and use a die to roll for their choice and assign a # to each box.
Have you played this game? What are some variations you’ve used?