Swimming Game – Choice Grid

Use your chalkboard, whiteboard, or poster and create a grid on it.


Activity 1
3x streamline + 3 strokes Free
Activity 2
3x streamline + 2 fly strokes no kick
Activity 3
3x streamline + 3 BK strokes
Activity 4
3x streamline + 2 BR strokes
10 Flips 10 Handstands 10 Streamline Jumps 10 Handstands that turn into flips
4×25 FLY K 4×25 FR K 2x 50 BK 1×100 BR
Float on back from bottom to surface Put nose, belly button and 1 big toe on bottom for 2 seconds 3x Do 5 second front float, then flip 5x Find place in lane to do 3 creative streamlines


Here is an example grid that you could use. Notice how it is a mix of games, workouts, short distance skill work.

Players start on the first row and can chose a single box from that row.

After they complete that activity, they choose a box from the second row. Indicate their choice by writing their lane # in a corner.

Go through the grid two or three times, and on subsequent times through they cannot make the same choice again (why you mark the box with their lane #).


Activity 1
3x streamline + 3 strokes Free
Activity 2
3x streamline + 2 fly strokes no kick
Activity 3
3x streamline + 3 BK strokes
Activity 4
3x streamline + 2 BR strokes
10 Flips 10 Handstands 10 Streamline Jumps 10 Handstands that turn into flips
4×25 FLY K 4×25 FR K 2x 50 BK 1×100 BR
Float on back from bottom to surface Put nose, belly button and 1 big toe on bottom for 2 seconds 3x Do 5 second front float, then flip 5x Find place in lane to do 3 creative streamlines

As an example, the group went through the grid, and did the activities in RED. For the second time down the grid, they would need to choose from each row a box still BLACK.


You can tailor this game for anything you want. It gives swimmers a choice in their workout, but limited by what you put in the boxes. This game instills a sense of personal responsibility because it gives the swimmers the illusion of choice.

The game came can turn into a race, or give surprise awards for Tick, tack, toe’s or Connect 4’s, or Bingos.

Make the game more random and use a die to roll for their choice and assign a # to each box.


Have you played this game? What are some variations you’ve used?

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