4/25/2019 Sharks


100 IM Kick


2 x 25 Position 11

Question of the Day: What is an “undulation?”
Y = 50 FLY K w/ FINS
N = 50 BK no fins

4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K w/ board

Split up into two groups:

Group 1:

3 x SL on BK + 3 HLBw/R

Head Lead Balance with Rotation

Body in soldier position, kick with face up.

Rotate hips and shoulders from parallel to surface to perpendicular to surface. Rotate through both sides.

Have constant kick to keep body straight.

Rotation Drill.

Group 2:

3 x SL + no K + 2 FLY strokes

No kicking throughout. Glide on SL first, then at the surface move the arms in the fly motion.

Okay for the recovery, from hips to 11 to push the swimmer backwards.

Thumbs aim down, and should be only part of hand touching water.

Arms do not recover UP, or above the body. Natural to the sides and forward motion.

Get back together into one group

2 x {

4 x 25 on 1:00 HLBw/R on belly with FINS

4 x 25 on 1:00 BK and HLBw/R no fins

1 x 50 2 FLY + FR rest of 25

1 x challenge


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