6/25/2019 Minnows


100 IM Kick

2 x 25 Position 11

Question of the Day: What does Coho do on the 4th of July? Walk in the parade!
Y = Dive in and float for 10 seconds
N = Push off side and swim free to 1/2 way.

Split up into two groups:

Group 1:

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath

Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.

Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.

Group 2:

3 x SL on BK

Begin underwater. Lay on back, hands on head, grow into streamline. Push off in straight line.

Created with Microsoft Fresh Paint

Get back together into one group

4 x 25



Diving – Standing dive from the block

Stand with foot with toes curled over the edge. Rest weight on the forward leg.

Second leg is slightly back, though knees are near each other. Lift back heel off the block.

Be Calm.

Be Confident.

Be relaxed.

Swimmer waits until they hear, “take your mark.”

Bend at the waist, grasping the forward edge of the block outside the foot already curled over edge. Use both fingers and thumbs in front.

Look at back leg.

Fart at the moon (to get hips up).

Launch forward when you hear “go.”

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