Halloween Eve!


1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 50 Graveyard scramble. Weave between the headstones.
1 x 50 Frankenstein Monster Raise: groan and float, get struck by lightning and zoom into life for 5 strokes.
1 x 50 Defend against the Vampire Bats!
1 x 50 Position 11 Zombie! tell coach jeff 3 for SL and 11 first.

3 x SL + 3 Zombie FREE

Take three crusty, slow, jerking, hungry for brains freestyle strokes like a starving zombie.

Move too fast and your arms will fall off, or maybe you’ll lose a leg.

1 x 100 Run from the Zombies Swim

3 x SL + 2 Bat Wing Flaps

Kinda like butterfly, but sweep your arms like a bat flapping its wings. Fangs and biting optional (fake bites).

Normal streamline, flap arms at sides like fluttering to fly as a bat. Swoop to the ground near flags and attack your prey!

1 x 100 CH Graveyard Sprint!

3 x Angry Pumpkin Float + Flip

Push off the wall like an angry pumpkin, scowling, howling, and cringing with unhappiness your insides were scooped out.

At the yellow, or ~ 3 body lengths away take out your unhappiness by flipping 2x if possible without hands or feet.

1 x 100 Mummy wrapped swim
You’re wrapped in bandages and if you move too fast you’ll turn to dust.

Halloween Challenge:
Show off your scariest Water Monster and give it a name.
Swim to 1/2 way like your monster would.

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