Practice 7/2/2020


1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 100 CH
1 x 50 Position 11

Question of the Day:

Name two things that should be a habit during your swimming by the time you move into White.

Correct: Do 6 log roll spins (lay flat on surface and twist like a log)
Wrong: Do 20 Fly undulations without moving.

Set 1:

1 x 50: FLY
1 x 50: BK KICK
1 x 50 BR KICK
1 x 50 FREE KICK

Challenge –

Spin in a circle with your whole head above water without touching the ground. Do it again 2x. Do it again without using your hands! and again with 10 toes above the water.

1 x 50: FLY KICK
1 x 50: BK
1 x 50 BR KICK
1 x 50 FREE KICK

Challenge – Back on the bottom, 2 feet on the wall

Lay down on the bottom of the pool with your back, shoulders and hips touching the floor.

At the same time, but two feet on the wall.

Hold it for 2 seconds.

1 x 50: FLY KICK
1 x 50: BK KICK
1 x 50 BR
1 x 50 FREE KICK


Fly Kick on your side from wall to the flags ping ponging off the lane lines at least 3 times.

1 x 50: FLY KICK
1 x 50: BK KICK
1 x 50 BR KICK
1 x 50 FREE


Float in Position 11 doing nothing. Do a front flip without touching anything. Immediately go from flip into a back float. Do a starfish backfloat, then turn that into a tiny back flip.
All without touching the ground or lanes or anything.

Can’t do the same thing twice in a row.

1 x 50 CH
1 x 50 CH K
1 x 50 CH
1 x 50 CH K


Swim to 1/2 way with at least 20 freestyle strokes.

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