1 x 100 IM K
4 x 100 IMO
Instead of Fly do 2 strokes of FLY + Fly K rest of each 25.
1 x 50 Position 11: Tell coach jeff the three things to SL and 11
Question of the Day:
What is “active rest?”
Correct: Swim to 1/2 way and back doing anything anything.
Wrong: 50 BK
2 x {
4 x 25 on :45: FREE or BK
2 x 50 on 1:10: FREE SPRINT
1 x 100 BK K
Swim BR on your back, underwater from T to the Flags.
Challenge –
Push off in Airplane, do 1/2 FLY stroke with 1 kick to get to Flags.

Push off in Airplane

From airplane move into 11 with a single FLY kick
Float until you get to the flags in position 11. If you can.
Justin Challenge: Handstand rewind
Push off the wall towards the T mark like you’re going to do a handstand, but don’t; instead push on the ground so you launch back at the wall and hit it with your feet.
BONUS: Do it like backstroke.
2 x BONUS: Add a flip between the handstand and the rewind.
4 x 25 on :45: FREE or BK
2 x 50 on 1:10: FREE SPRINT
1 x 100 BK K