100 IM Kick
100 BK
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: How many yards is it from the wall to the first flags? 5 yards
Y = 50 BK
N = 50 FLY K on back
4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE KICK w/ board
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 3 FREE + Flip
Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.
Group 2:

3 x SL on BK
Begin underwater. Lay on back, hands on head, grow into streamline. Push off in straight line.

Get back together into one group
3 x {
2 x 50 FR K w/ FINS no board
1 x 100 BK no FINS
1 challenge