100 IM Kick
100 FLY K
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Who were the two Olympians that were at this pool yesterday?
Y = 50 Olympic Swim CH (as slow as possible)
N = 50 BK K
4 x 25 on 1:00 Speedplay
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3x Dive in, SL + Position 11 for 5 kicks + 1 FR
Streamline with freestyle kick. At the surface transition from streamline to position 11. Continue kicking for 5 kicks in position 11.
Continue kicking and do one arm stroke of freestyle. Leave other arm in position 11 place.
Fast kick like an Olympian.
Group 2:

3 x Dive in, SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath + Flip
Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.
Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5, or before the flip after the strokes.
Get back together into one group
2 x
Olympic Drills:
4 x 25 on 1:00 0, 2, 5 FR Drill. Swim to yellow with fists, swim to the second yellow with 2 fingers extended on each hand, swim with all 5 fingers from second yellow to wall.
1 x 100 IM Angle smooth fly (no splash), 1 arm only BK, BR with long glide, FR swim with fast kick
3 x Dive in and swim FLY to 1st yellow. Focus on hips.
1 x 200 Back or FR